Use the Edit Master Settings API to update the master configuration of the Virtualizor master server.
Virtualizor supports master slave cluster architecture. Master settings are the global settings, which means any settings saved on master will reflect on all of its slave servers.
The API response will contain "done" as "1" on successful update of the master settings. There are many settings which are available in master settings as well as slave settings so Virtualizor will give preference to the master settings until the same setting is saved for the slave setting.
HTTP Request
Name | Method | Value | Description | Required |
act | GET | config | The action will display all the configuration related to master server | Yes |
editsettings | POST | 1/0 | If set then the settings will be edited and saved | Yes |
sn | POST | text | The name of the server or company using Virtualizor | Yes |
site_domain | POST | text | The domain of the server | No |
logo_url | POST | text | The url of logo image | No |
logo_login_url | POST | text | The url of logo at the login image | No |
support | POST | text | The support URL which will be displayed in the Enduser panel | No |
copyright | POST | text | The Copyright that appears in the footer | No |
gzip | POST | 1/0 | This will compress output | No |
soft_email | POST | text | The email address for the FROM headers | Yes |
sess_len | POST | Int | Seconds before an unused session timesout | Yes |
language | POST | text | The preferred language refer below table for languages | Yes |
theme_folder | POST | text | The default theme for the virtualizor panel value is default | Yes |
timezone | POST | Int | The time zone, Refer below table for values | Yes |
cpu_nm | POST | 1/0 | Show the CPU Model name in all VPS | No |
enable_rdns | POST | 1/0 | If checked then the Reverse DNS will be ON for VPS. However you will need to setup the DNS servers | No |
auto_add_zone | POST | 1/0 | If checked, rDNS zones will be auto created for records whose zones are not present | No |
curl_timeout | POST | Int | If set than Virtualizor will use this value as CURL time out. Default is 3. Please set greater than 3 if you want to change the timeout | No |
del_novps_user | POST | 1/0 | If checked, then users with no VPS will be deleted on a daily basis | No |
pass_strength | POST | Int | If set, users will be forced to set the password of specified strength | No |
turnoff_virtdf | POST | 1/0 | If checked, virt-df will be not be used to get the disk usage in hourly cron, and the disk usage will be detected on startup of individual VPS(s). | No |
del_slave_ostemplate | POST | 1/0 | If checked then OS template from all Slave servers will be deleted. This is useful to save space on the slaves. But it will require much more bandwidth as the template will be redownloaded every time a VPS is created. | No |
keep_orphan_template | POST | 1/0 | If checked, then Orphan OS template which are not added to Virtualizor will not be deleted. | No |
disable_virttop | POST | 1/0 | If checked, statistics about CPU and DISK I/O of VPS on supported hypervisors will not display the values. | No |
showsearch | POST | 1/0 | If checked, Search Box will be displayed on pages where applicable in the admin panel. | No |
enable_idsort | POST | 1/0 | If checked newly created VPS will be shown first | No |
default_sg_name | POST | text | If not set then Default will be shown on Server Group which is created by default by Virtualizor | No |
default_sg_reseller_name | POST | text | The name of the server group that will be shown to resellers. If not set Default will be set | No |
default_sg_desc | POST | text | Set the default Server Group Description | No |
interface | POST | text | The public network interface of the server. If left empty, eth0 will be assumed as the default interface. | No |
node_bandwidth | POST | Int | The total bandwidth of the Node in GB. If set to Zero, the bandwidth calculation will assume unlimited bandwidth | No |
vps_bandwidth_threshold | POST | Int | If set to Zero bandwidth threshold email will be disabled. Value in % | No |
ping_ip | POST | text | When the Virtualizor Bridge Network is started it will try to ping to this IP to check if the server has connectivity. If empty, then Virtualizor will ping | No |
band_suspend | POST | 1/0 | Global setting to disable the Bandwidth Suspension from all the VPS | No |
band_calc_creation | POST | 1/0 | This option will calculate the bandwidth as per the VPS service period. For example, if the VPS is created on 15th Jan, the bandwidth calculation will be from 15 Jan to 14th Feb. | No |
speed_cap_disable | POST | 1/0 | Global setting to disable VPS network speed capping | No |
haproxy_enable | POST | 1/0 | This allows VPS(s) to host services on private IPs that can be accessed through internet | No |
haproxy_reservedports | POST | text | List of source ports which will not be allowed for HAProxy. Multiple ports should be separated by ',' and port range must be specified with '-'. (eg: 26,99,1001-1005) | No |
haproxy_reservedports_http | POST | text | List of source ports reserved for HAProxy to be used only for HTTP and HTTPS protocol i.e. these ports will not be allowed for any TCP ports in HAProxy. Multiple ports should be separated by ',' and port range must be specified with '-'. (eg: 26,99,1001-1005) | No |
haproxy_allowedports | POST | text | List of source ports allowed to be used for any protocol for HAProxy. If left blank, any port available will be allowed to the user | No |
novnc | POST | 1/0 | This option will enable the HTML5 VNC viewer along with the JAVA VNC Viewer | No |
novnc_master_only | POST | 1/0 | If enabled, only the Master will have the noVNC Websocket service | No |
disable_java_vnc | POST | 1/0 | This option will disable JAVA VNC Viewer | No |
novnc_server_name | POST | 1/0 | If enabled, then the server name (instead of its IP) will be used as the host to access the noVNC service | No |
xen_dom0mem | POST | Int | In Xen, the Domain-0 is the physical node. This will set the memory available to the Domain-0. The remaining memory of the physical node will be available for the VPS (only for Xen And Xen HVM) | No |
pv_on_hvm | POST | 1/0 | Global setting to enable PV-on-HVM for all the new VPSes(only for Xen And Xen HVM) | No |
vswap | POST | 1/0 | Enable VSwap for this server. This will be effective only if RHEL/SL/CentOS 6 is the Operating System of the NODE. | No |
ploop | POST | 1/0 | Ploop will be enabled for all newly created VPS. | No |
enable_ppp_cp | POST | 1/0 | Enable PPP settings in Client panel | No |
enable_tuntap_cp | POST | 1/0 | Enable Tun/Tap settings in Client panel | No |
enable_fuse_cp | POST | 1/0 | Enable Tun/Tap settings in Client panel | No |
enable_ipip_cp | POST | 1/0 | Enable IPIP settings in Client panel | No |
enable_ipgre_cp | POST | 1/0 | Enable IPGRE settings in Client panel | No |
enable_nfs_cp | POST | 1/0 | Enable NFS settings in Client panel | No |
enable_quotaugidlimit_cp | POST | 1/0 | Enable QUOTAUGIDLIMIT settings in Client panel | No |
enable_iolimit_cp | POST | 1/0 | Enable IO Bandwidth Limit settings in Client panel | No |
enable_iopslimit_cp | POST | 1/0 | Enable IOPS Limit settings in Client panel | No |
enable_console | POST | 1/0 | Enable Serial console for OpenVZ containers. Warning, SSH users will be created on the OpenVZ Nodes for users to use this feature. | No |
openvz_suspend_load | POST | Int | If set, load (uptime) of each VPS for the past 5 minute will be checked and if it is higher than the set value, VPSes will be suspended | No |
disable_icons_monitor | POST | 1/0 | Disable the Monitor icon for the endusers | No |
disable_icons_cp | POST | 1/0 | Disable the Control panel installation icon for the endusers | No |
enable_enduser_vnc | POST | 1/0 | If enabled, the user can turn on/off the VNC of his VPS | No |
show_server | POST | 1/0 | If enabled, Endusers can see the Server name or Location of the VPS | No |
disable_apicredential | POST | 1/0 | If checked than users will not be able to generate API credentials. | No |
disable_recipes | POST | 1/0 | Disable Recipes for the endusers | No |
eu_allow_virtio | POST | 1/0 | If enabled, users can enable/disable virtio for their VPS(s) | No |
disable_rescue | POST | 1/0 | Disable Rescue mode for the endusers | No |
disable_change_hostname | POST | 1/0 | Endusers will not be able to change the hostname | No |
disable_change_password | POST | 1/0 | Endusers will not be able to change the password of their VPS | No |
disable_vps_config | POST | 1/0 | Endusers will not be able to change VPS configuration | No |
disable_os_reinstall | POST | 1/0 | Endusers will not be able to reinstall the OS | No |
disable_ssh | POST | 1/0 | Endusers will not be able to access SSH from panel | No |
disable_suspend_email | POST | 1/0 | Enduser will not receive any email on VPS suspension | No |
disable_self_shutdown | POST | 1/0 | Enduser will not be able to schedule power option(s) from enduser panel | No |
disable_server_location | POST | 1/0 | If checked the server location on map in the enduser panel will not be displayed | No |
disable_enduser_sshkeys | POST | 1/0 | Enduser will not be able to add SSH Keys to his VPS | No |
disable_vga | POST | 1/0 | If checked, the Enable VGA option in VPS Configuration dialog in the enduser panel will not be displayed | No |
enable_nic | POST | 1/0 | If enabled, then user can manage NIC (Network Interface Card) of their VPS | No |
enable_2fa | POST | 1/0 | If checked, Two factor authentication will be enabled for endusers. But they will have to enable which method they want from enduser panel | No |
2fa_email_otp | POST | 1/0 | If checked and if no method is set from enduser panel, Two factor authentication via Email will be enabled for endusers | No |
enable_eu_iso | POST | 1/0 | If checked, allows the enduser(s) to add their own custom ISOs from the Enduser panel | No |
eu_iso_size | POST | Int | Specify the maximum size of an ISO that a enduser can download. If not specified, 5120 MB will be set as the default size. | No |
eu_iso_limit | POST | Int | Specify the number of ISOs an enduser can download. If not specified, 3 will be set as the default limit. | No |
eu_iso_space | POST | Int | The total space for ISOs allowed per enduser. If not specified, 5120 MB will be set as the default space. | No |
eu_iso_del_hr | POST | Int | If specified, Enduser ISO(s) will be deleted after specified hours | No |
cloud_allow_virtio | POST | 1/0 | If enabled, cloud users can enable/disable virtio for their VPS(s) | No |
disable_login_logo | POST | 1/0 | If checked the Logo will be hidden at Login for the endusers | No |
enable_cb | POST | 1/0 | If checked, changes in the Virtualizor panel will be reflected in the billing panel | No |
cb_url | POST | text | Full URL to the callback file. For e.g if you are using WHMCS the url will look like | No |
cb_use_https | POST | Int | Use 0 for http protocol or 1 for https protocol for the callback url | No |
reset_cb_hash | POST | 1/0 | If set the Callback Hash used for authentication purpose wil be reset | No |
cb_suspend | POST | 1/0 | If checked then Callback will be enabled for VPS suspension | No |
cb_unsuspend | POST | 1/0 | If checked then Callback will be enabled for VPS unsuspension | No |
cb_hostname | POST | 1/0 | If checked then Callback will be enabled when the VPS Hostname is changed | No |
cb_terminate | POST | 1/0 | If checked then Callback will be enabled for VPS termination | No |
cb_changeips | POST | 1/0 | If checked then Callback will be enabled when the VPS IP(s) are updated | No |
login_attempts | POST | Int | The number of attempts allowed before banning the IP for a period of time specified in the Failed Login Ban Time | No |
login_ban_time | POST | Int | The time in minutes to ban the IP of the user who has crossed the Max Login Attempts | No |
secure_allowed_ips | POST | text | List of IPs which are allowed to access Virtualizor Admin panel. If set, only these IPs will be allowed to access Admin panel. If more than one IP, IPs must be separated by ','. If left empty, no restrictions will be imposed on IPs allowed. Currently supporting only IPv4 IP | No |
queue_creation | POST | Int | If you set the value to 2, only 2 VPS will be created at a time. Other creation processes will be queued | No |
disable_master_vpsname | POST | 1/0 | By default the Master decides the VPS name and uses the highest VPS name available in the Cluster. If this is checked, the VPS name will be decided by each individual slave server. | No |
custom_mac | POST | text | Initial 3 Octet for auto generated MAC addresses of VPSes. If not set then default value 00:16:3e will be used | No |
set_def_hvm | POST | 1/0 | Select this option to set HVM as default for VPS creation on supported hypervisors | No |
addvs_cpu_prio | POST | Int | The amount of CPU time the VPS creation process will get. Values from 19 (least favourable) to -20 (most favourable) | No |
addvs_io_prio | POST | Int | I/O priority for the VPS creation process. Values from 0 (most favourable) to 7 (least favourable) | No |
addvs_io_class | POST | Int | I/O class for the VPS creation process (1 for Real Time, 2 Best Effort and 3 fro IDle) | No |
backup_queue | POST | Int | Max number of simultaneous enduser backup operations allowed. Set -1 for unlimited. | No |
restore_queue | POST | Int | Max number of simultaneous enduser restore operations allowed. Set -1 for unlimited. | No |
disable_backup_cp | POST | 1/0 | Disable Backup in Client panel | No |
backup_email | POST | text | The email where backup / restore mails for success and error messages will be sent.If empty, the mails will be sent to the site admin email. | No |
backup_disable_success_mail | POST | 1/0 | If checked, the backup / restore success mails will not be sent to the admin.Error mails will always be sent regardless of this setting. | No |
update | POST | Int | If enabled Virtualizor will automatically update itself to the latest version(0 for Never Update,1 for Stable branch and 3 for Release Candidate ) | No |
email_update | POST | 1/0 | Will send emails when Virtualizor upgrades are available or Auto Upgrade is performed | No |
email_update_client | POST | 1/0 | When a new VPS is created, no email will be sent to the client | No |
admin_logs | POST | Int | Admin logs will be saved for the specified number of days. (0 for infinite retention) | Yes |
vps_logs | POST | Int | VPS logs will be saved for the specified number of days. (0 for infinite retention) | Yes |
login_logs | POST | Int | Login logs will be saved for the specified number of days. (0 for infinite retention) | Yes |
system_logs | POST | Int | VPS System Logs will be saved for the specified number of days. (0 for infinite retention) | Yes |
status_logs | POST | Int | VPS Status Logs will be saved for the specified number of days. (0 for infinite retention) | Yes |
bandwidth_logs | POST | Int | Bandwidth Logs will be saved for the specified number of days. (0 for infinite retention) | Yes |
haproxy_cron_logs | POST | Int | HAProxy Cron Logs will be saved for the specified number of days. (0 for infinite retention) | No |
del_tasks | POST | Int | Tasks will be saved for the specified number of days. (0 for infinite retention) | No |
alert_load_limit | POST | Int | If the 15 minute load of the hardware node exceeds the limit set here, an email will be sent to the Administrator | No |
alert_disk_limit | POST | Int | If the Disk Usage of the Node exceeds the set limit (in %), an email will be sent to the Administrator. | No |
( chinese | dutch | english | french | german | polish | portuguese | russian | spanish | ukraine ) |
Value | Name |
-12 | (GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein |
-11 | (GMT -11:00) Midway Island, Samoa |
-10 | (GMT -10:00) Hawaii |
-9 | (GMT -9:00) Alaska |
-8 | (GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) |
-7 | (GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) |
-6 | (GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City |
-5 | (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima |
-4 | (GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz |
-3.5 | (GMT -3:30) Newfoundland |
-3 | (GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown |
-2 | (GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic |
-1 | (GMT -1:00 hour) Azores, Cape Verde Islands |
0 | (GMT) Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca |
1 | (GMT +1:00 hour) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris |
2 | (GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa |
3 | (GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg |
3.5 | (GMT +3:30) Tehran |
4 | (GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi |
4.5 | (GMT +4:30) Kabul |
5 | (GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent |
5.5 | (GMT +5:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi |
6 | (GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo |
6.5 | (GMT +6:30) Yangon, Myanmar |
7 | (GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta |
8 | (GMT +8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong |
9 | (GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk |
9.5 | (GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin |
10 | (GMT +10:00) Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok |
11 | (GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia |
12 | (GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka |
Sample Code
$key = 'your_api_key';
$pass = 'your_api_pass';
$ip = 'your_server_ip';
$admin = new Virtualizor_Admin_API($ip, $key, $pass);
$post = array();
$post['editsettings'] = 1;
$post['sn'] = 'API Virt';
$post['sess_len'] = 30000;
$post['theme_folder'] = 'test';
$post['language'] = 'english';
$post['admin_logs'] = 2;
$post['vps_logs'] = 2;
$post['login_logs'] = 2;
$post['system_logs'] = 2;
$post['status_logs'] = 7;
$post['bandwidth_logs'] = 0;
$post['soft_email'] = '';
$post['timezone'] = 0;
$post['login_attempts'] = 5;
$post['login_ban_time'] = 15;
$output = $admin->config($post);
"title": "Configuration",
"done": 1,
"globals": {
"path": "/usr/local/virtualizor",
"slave": 0,
"masterkey": "",
"masterip": "",
"key": "lf6klmphhpyrxqacmuebs2ioxlzrc37g",
"pass": "ti3thxss38v8jj6cybhwdc1xvghyetob",
"kernel": "kvm",
"lv": "",
"thin_lv": "",
"disk_path": "",
"dbhost": "localhost",
"db": "virtualizor",
"dbuser": "root",
"dbpass": "25etajy45w",
"sn": "API Virt",
"cookie_name": "SIMCookies7614",
"gzip": 0,
"cpu_nm": 0,
"overcommit": 0,
"language": "german",
"soft_email": "",
"theme_folder": "test",
"timezone": "0",
"update": 0,
"email_update": 0,
"email_update_client": 0,
"cron_time": "3 11 * * *",
"emps_cron_time": "46 18 6,21 * *",
"logo_url": "",
"logo_login_url": "",
"mail": 1,
"mail_server": "",
"mail_port": "",
"mail_user": "",
"mail_pass": "",
"mail_smtp_secure": 0,
"mail_debug": 0,
"mail_connect_timeout": 0,
"off": 0,
"off_subject": "",
"off_message": "",
"admin_logs": 2,
"vps_logs": 2,
"login_logs": 2,
"system_logs": 2,
"status_logs": 7,
"bandwidth_logs": 0,
"sess_len": 30000,
"copyright": "",
"interface": "",
"xen_pvbridge": "",
"xen_hvmbridge": "",
"xen_dom0mem": 0,
"use_xl": "",
"ipadd": "",
"netmask": "",
"gateway": "",
"ip6add": "",
"gateway6": "",
"int_bridge": "",
"int_ipadd": "",
"int_netmask": "",
"login_attempts": 5,
"login_ban_time": 15,
"alert_load_limit": 0,
"alert_disk_limit": 0,
"vswap": 0,
"noc_apikey": "",
"noc_apipass": "",
"disable_webuzo": "",
"disabled_scripts": "",
"disable_icons_monitor": 0,
"disable_icons_cp": 0,
"disable_email": 0,
"node_bandwidth": 0,
"vps_bandwidth_threshold": 0,
"change_ssh_port": 0,
"max_ssh_login": 0,
"vnc_ip": "",
"ping_ip": "",
"distro": "",
"dhcp_interface": "",
"support": "",
"addvs_io_class": "",
"addvs_io_prio": "",
"addvs_cpu_prio": "",
"vpslimit": "",
"ploop": 0,
"enable_tuntap_cp": 0,
"enable_ppp_cp": 0,
"enable_fuse_cp": 0,
"enable_ipip_cp": 0,
"enable_ipgre_cp": 0,
"enable_nfs_cp": 0,
"enable_quotaugidlimit_cp": 0,
"enable_iolimit_cp": 0,
"enable_iopslimit_cp": 0,
"enable_enduser_vnc": 0,
"show_server": 0,
"band_suspend": 0,
"speed_cap_disable": 0,
"is_master_only": 0,
"xcp_lv_prefix": "",
"novnc": 0,
"novnc_master_only": 0,
"novnc_server_name": 0,
"queue_creation": 0,
"disable_dd_flags": 0,
"dbbackup_email": "",
"dbbackup_cron": "",
"dbbackup_type": "EMAIL",
"dbbackup_server": 0,
"dbbackup_server_dir": "",
"is_cloud": "",
"bridge": "viifbr0",
"pv_on_hvm": 0,
"band_calc_creation": 0,
"no_ebtables_on_plans": "",
"master_name": "",
"inodes_gb": "",
"openvz_suspend_load": 0,
"disable_login_logo": 0,
"enable_rdns": 0,
"disable_backup_cp": 0,
"auto_add_zone": 0,
"enable_console": 0,
"curl_timeout": "",
"del_novps_user": 0,
"del_slave_ostemplate": 0,
"disable_master_vpsname": 0,
"showsearch": 0,
"site_domain": "",
"use_new_theme": "",
"turnoff_virtdf": 0,
"disable_newtheme": 0,
"disable_recipes": 0,
"enable_virtio": 0,
"disable_suspend_email": 0,
"enable_idsort": 0,
"del_tasks": 0,
"disable_apicredential": 0,
"disable_rescue": 0,
"disable_change_hostname": 0,
"disable_change_password": 0,
"disable_vps_config": 0,
"disable_os_reinstall": 0,
"disable_ssh": 0,
"disable_java_vnc": 0,
"disable_self_shutdown": 0,
"disable_server_location": 0,
"disable_enduser_sshkeys": 0,
"disable_vga": 0,
"enable_nic": 0,
"cb_hash": "oidzotex0av7rueyzonhnbn7nokndmgd",
"enable_cb": 0,
"cb_use_https": 0,
"cb_url": "",
"cb_suspend": 0,
"cb_unsuspend": 0,
"cb_hostname": 0,
"cb_terminate": 0,
"cb_changeips": 0,
"default_sg_name": "",
"default_sg_reseller_name": "",
"default_sg_desc": "",
"custom_mac": "",
"cloud_allow_virtio": 0,
"le_primary_domain": "",
"le_contact_email": "",
"le_key_size": 4096,
"le_renew_days": 80,
"le_staging": 0,
"le_enable_force": 0,
"2fa_email_otp": 0,
"enable_2fa": 0,
"eu_allow_virtio": 0,
"keep_orphan_template": 0,
"pass_strength": 0,
"haproxy_enable": 0,
"haproxy_src_ips": "",
"haproxy_reservedports": "",
"haproxy_reservedports_http": "",
"haproxy_allowedports": "",
"haproxy_cron_logs": 0,
"backup_queue": 0,
"restore_queue": 0,
"server_latitude": 0,
"server_longitude": 0,
"disable_nw_config": 0,
"enable_eu_iso": 0,
"eu_iso_size": "",
"eu_iso_limit": "",
"eu_iso_space": "",
"eu_iso_del_hr": "",
"secure_allowed_ips": "",
"backup_email": "",
"backup_disable_success_mail": 0,
"disable_virttop": 0,
"set_def_hvm": 0,
"memory_limit": 0,
"proxmox_server_pass": "",
"proxmox_server_name": "",
"proxmox_server_pass_salt": "",
"max_ips": 250,
"cp_url": "http://",
"inhouse_billing": 0,
"enable_registration": 0,
"user_pass_min_char": 8,
"support_email": "",
"default_uplid": 0,
"billing_warn_bal": 80,
"billing_currency": "USD",
"billing_symbol": "$",
"billing_min": "50",
"billing_max": "1000",
"billing_day": 0,
"billing_comp": "",
"billing_addr1": "",
"billing_addr2": "",
"paypal_account": "",
"paypal_api_user": "",
"paypal_api_pass": "",
"paypal_api_sig": "",
"paypal_env": "",
"captcha_secret": "",
"captcha_sitekey": "",
"resource_pricing": "",
"recipe_shell": "#!/bin/sh",
"hf_loaded": 1,
"charset": "UTF-8",
"showntimetaken": 1,
"version": "2.9.7",
"patch": "0",
"license": "VIRTD-81008-78272-55853-14018",
"port": 4082,
"vpsid": 0,
"index": "index.php?",
"server": 0,
"queries": 0,
"docs": "",
"apiurl": "",
"openvzos": "/vz/template/cache",
"xenos": "/var/virtualizor/xen",
"kvmos": "/var/virtualizor/kvm",
"xcpos": "/var/virtualizor/xcp",
"lxcos": "/var/virtualizor/lxc",
"proxoos": "/var/virtualizor/proxo",
"proxkos": "/var/virtualizor/proxk",
"proxlos": "/var/virtualizor/proxl",
"vzoos": "/vz/template/cache",
"vzkos": "/var/virtualizor/vzk",
"isos": "/var/virtualizor/iso",
"euisos": "/var/virtualizor/euiso",
"virtualboxos": "/var/virtualizor/virtualbox",
"var": "/var/virtualizor",
"lxc_path": "/var/lib/lxc/",
"virts": {
"openvz": "openvz",
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