The Virtualizor Team has released Virtualizor 2.8.3
This version introduces some cool new features like VPS Resource Statistics, VPS Task Logs and fixes some bugs.
The following are the complete list of changes :
1) [Feature] The Admin can now see the resource utilization of the server in the Admin panel. Go to Admin panel -> Server Statistics.
2) [Feature] Endusers can now see the VPS resource history like CPU, RAM, Disk and Network Speed in the VPS Manage -> Monitor Utility.
3) [Feature] Now endusers can see the location of their server on MAP in enduser panel. The Admin has the option to disable this feature from the Admin Panel.
4) [Feature] Added Task logs for each Operations performed by the user, admin or system for better observation.
Admin Task Page :
Enduser Task Page :
5) [Feature] Now Admin can Suspend / Unsuspend the network of a VPS instead of suspending / unsuspending the VPS itself. The VPS will continue to run if the network has been suspended. From 2.8.3 if the Bandwidth is overused, the network of the VPS will be suspended instead of suspending the VPS.
6) [Feature] Added Power Management feature in the Enduser Panel. Now users can schedule their VPS to Power off, Start, Restart, Stop at a particular time set by them.
7) [Feature] Added new configurable option as "ippoolid" for WHMCS module, which will restrict the IP Selection to the IPs in the IP Pool set in "ippoolid" during creation of a VPS. This will require WHMCS Module V2 2.0.4 and Virtualizor 2.8.3.
8) [Task] Vesta control panel support has been added.
9) [Task] Database Backup email will contain the "Site Name" so that the Admin will be aware of the cluster which was backed up.
10) [Task] Now an email will be sent to the Enduser when the VPS will be unsuspended by the Admin.
11) [Task] Added email templates for Suspend/Unsuspend VPS and Suspend / Unsuspend VPS Network.
12) [Bugfix] Language Strings added for Hard Drive and CD Drive shown in Enduser panel -> VPS Configuration.
13) [Bugfix] In forgot password wizard email was sent blank since 2.8.2. This is fixed.
14) [Bugfix] While disabling Virtio for KVM VPS, it was not setting the fstab entry properly in some cases. This is fixed.
15) [Bugfix] Cloud User could not edit their OpenVZ VPS because of a wrong error being thrown. This is fixed.
16) [Bugfix] While editing the rDNS record it gave "record already exists error". This is fixed.
17) [Bugfix] IPv6 Subnet and Internal IP(s) were not sent in the VPS creation email. This is fixed.
18) [Bugfix] IPv6 Subnet check allowed a Netmask of 128. This is fixed.
========== Patch 1 ==========
1) [Bugfix] On Add and Edit VPS wizard the checkboxes were not selected if the plan is selected. This is fixed.
========== Patch 2 ==========
1) [Bugfix] On EditVS wizard page if VPS start action was failed at that time alert was coming as "Success!". This is fixed.
2) [Task] Now from WHMCS panel Admin can set multiple IPPool id (with comma separated) for configurable option "ippoolid" which was introduce in 2.8.3
Virtualizor supports OpenVZ, Xen, XenServer and Linux-KVM on CentOS and Ubuntu and they all can be managed from the Master. We are adding more features and if you have any suggestions, do let us know. We hope you enjoy this version of Virtualizor.
The Virtualizor Team