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Virtualizor 3.0.0 Launched


The Virtualizor Team has released Virtualizor 3.0.0
In this version we have introduced some revolutionary features like HA for KVM, Backups for File based storage, etc. Here is the complete change list:

1. [Feature] Virtualizor now supports High Availability on KVM. Here is the guide for HA :
NOTE: This is in public beta.

2. [Feature] Added backup support for file based storage.
NOTE: This functionality is available on latest QEMU version (> 2.0.0)
NOTE: This is in public beta.

3. [Feature] Added option to set different path for different server in Backup Plan wizard. It will enable Admin to use the same plan on multiple servers with different configuration.

4. [Feature] Added option for controlling IO in the Backup/Restore process. This will help to control the high load in backup and restore process.

5. [Feature] Added WHMCS invoicing option for cloud billing module. If this option is enabled by admin, Cloud users invoices will be created in WHMCS as per resource usage in Virtualizor.

6. [Feature] Added Hooks to perform actions before starting VM, after starting VM and before deleting VM.

7. [Feature] Improved method for Adding and Removing HAproxy rules. Also rules on CentOS 7+ will now be handled properly.

8. [Feature] Added option to search tasks by Server on Tasks Page.

9. [Feature] Added option to Lock / Unlock multiple servers on List Server page.

10. [Feature] Added Disk type selection in VPS plans for Proxmox VPS.

11. [Feature] Virtualizor is now available in Turkish Language.

11. [Task] Updated logos for cPanel and Plesk on Control Panel Installation wizard in Enduser panel.

12. [Task] While adding DNS record on Admin panel, Hostname field is now optional. Earlier it was a mandatory field.

13. [Task] If VM delete operation was performed when the VM was in Rescue Mode, Virtualizor was giving error to remove the VM from Rescue mode first and then proceed with the delete. Virtualizor will now remove the VM from rescue mode and delete the VM without giving any error.

14. [Task] Added ACL for "Reboot Server" option on Manage Server Page in Admin panel.

15. [Task] On XenServer 7.6+ VNC was not working as they have moved VNC from ports to sockets. Virtualizor now handles it correctly.

16. [Task] ACL added for Storage, Edit Storage wizards in Admin panel.

17. [Bugfix] If VM was created using VPS plan assigned with recipe, recipe was not getting executed if that VM was rebuilt from Rebuild VPS wizard. Fixed.

18. [Bugfix] If VM on solusvm had interface name as 'vifvmkvm.0' instead of 'vifkvm.0', Virtualizor was not able to detect the bandwidth of the imported VM. Fixed.

19. [Bugfix] Virtualizor was not able to mount windows template having multiple partitions on custom windows templates. Now it will try to check for multiple partition and try to mount it if possible.

20. [Bugfix] "noemail" option custom field was not working for WHMCS reseller module. Fixed.

21. [Bugfix] While using Admin SDK for novnc, websockify service was not getting started due to which if anyone has integrated with custom novnc client it was not showing the VM. Fixed.

22. [Bugfix] On Proxmox LXC, restore VPS was not working due to change in API call from proxmox. Fixed.

23. [Bugfix] On CentOS 7.5+ it was giving error for changing password for Windows machines. Fixed.

24. [Bugfix] In enduser panel, Managesubnet wizard was dying while adding the record for /48 prefix. Fixed.

25. [Bugfix] While restoring the backup if the VPS disk was not present, it was failing the restoration process. Fixed. Now Virtualizor will create the VPS disk and continue with the restore process.

26. [Bugfix] On XenServer change of Hostname was not working if server pool was created. Fixed.

27. [Bugfix] If VPS Name was just a single or double digit, at that time Virtualizor was not able to remove ebtable rules. Fixed.

28. [Bugfix] On Manage VPS page, VPS Domain Forwarding wizard was not filling the list properly. Fixed.

29. [Bugfix] On Manage Server page Uptime was not updated. Fixed.

30. [Bugfix] VNC was not working for Xen PV machine whose VNC Ports were greater than 6000. Fixed. Now Xen PV machines will use ports below 6000 and Xen HVM will use ports above 6000.

31. [Bugfix] On LXC containers MTU settings were not getting applied. This is fixed.

32. [Bugfix] On Proxmox KVM and LXC, VMs were not getting deleted, if they were in suspended state. This is fixed.

33. [Bugfix] On OpenVZ 7 CT, Adding SSH Key was not working. This is fixed.

34. [Bugfix] On OpenVZ 7, CT was not getting correct network settings if it was created using custom template. This is fixed.

35. [Bugfix] For Ceph storage, storage size was not getting detected and was showing as 0. Due to this VM creation was not working. This is fixed.

36. [Bugfix] On OpenVZ 7 CT creation was failing due to empty package_manager file. This is fixed.

37. [Bugfix] On OpenVZ 7 for few distros, containers were not getting network settings. This is fixed.

38. [Bugfix] Editing any one OpenVZ CT would reset network speed for other CT on same node (random). This is fixed.

39. [Bugfix] XEN PV VPS backup fails if VPS contains large number of files. This is fixed.

============== Patch 1 ==============

40. [Bugfix] On LXC servers, user(s) were able to reboot the node from lxc container. This is fixed.

41. [Bigfix] Backup rotation was not deleting the old backups. This is fixed. This issue was introduced in 3.0.0

42. [Bugfix] When user login to enduser panel they were getting emails for unsuspension. This is fixed. This issue was introduced in 3.0.0

============== Patch 2 ==============

43. [Bugfix] On some KVM nodes, VM(s) were not able to start if cpu model was set as host-passthrough. It was giving error while starting the VM " ERROR - unrecognized feature host-cache-info". This is fixed.

============== Patch 3 ==============

44. [Bugfix] Minor bug fixes.

============== Patch 4 ==============

45. [Bugfix] Installation of Recipes was not working. This is fixed.

46. [Bugfix] Minor SQL fix for SolusVM importer.

============== Patch 5 ==============

47. [Bugfix] On Xenserver minutely cron was not updating the bandwidth. This is fixed.

============== Patch 6 ==============

48. [Bugfix] Backups from enduser was not getting deleted. This is fixed.

49. [Bugfix] Backup was listed even if the backup for that VM/CT was not present in the directory. This is fixed.

============== Patch 7 ==============

50. [Bugfix] If VM is turned on and VM size was increased from Edit VM wizard, resize VPS task was not getting created and the VM was not getting resized after turn off and on. This is fixed.

51. [Bugfix] On many servers for VM(s) having qcow2 storage, virtualizor was giving error for “Setting Root Password”. This is fixed.

52. [Bugfix] If Cloud Billing module was enabled for cloud users and their current balance and current usage were the same, Virtualizor was sending unsuspension email to that cloud user. This is fixed.

Virtualizor supports OpenVZ, OpenVZ 7, Xen, XenServer, LXC and Linux-KVM on CentOS and Ubuntu and they all can be managed from the Master. We are adding more features and if you have any suggestions, do let us know. We hope you enjoy this version of Virtualizor.

The Virtualizor Team

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