The Virtualizor Team has released Virtualizor 3.1.5
In this version, we have some bug fix.
Here is the complete change list:
1. [BugFix] This is a security fix. We will disclose more information in the next few hours.
------------- Patch 1 -------------
2. [Task] Proxmox vlan_tag and firewall hidden setting added
------------- Patch 2 -------------
3. [Task] Minor UI changes related to admin theme
------------Patch 3--------------
4. [Feature] Added multi update on list servers (Now admin can update multiple servers from master panel)
5. [BugFix] Secondary IPv6 were not getting added correctly on VM(s) created with AlmaLinux 8 / CentOS 8. This is fixed.
6. [Bugfix] If IPv6 and Internal IP were configured without IPv4 (Public IP) at that time internal IP was not getting assigned to eth1 NIC in VM(s). This is fixed.
7. [Bugfix] If OS was installed on secondary disk by user, Virtualizor was resizing it and due to that OS was not working. This is fixed.
8. [Bugfix] Static IPs were not getting set in Windows VM if they were locked. This is fixed.
9. [Task] SSH key(s) will be removed from VM, if it is removed from enduser panel on next Stop/Start operation
10. [Task] Added page and reslen option in listvs enduser API
11. [Task] In API response of task logs, the logs were coming in HTML format. Now it will be in JSON format.
12. [Task] On Ubuntu 22.* we will add -y option in lvcreate opeartion while creating VM
13. [Task] Added "hidden_dont_add_vm_hostname" hidden setting which will not add hostname entry in /etc/hosts file in VPS
14. [Task] If python package or symlink is not there then Virtualizor will create it.
----------------Patch 4------------------
15. [BugFix] Proxmox KVM was not setting the CPU mode when CPU flags were empty. This is fixed.
16. [BugFix] In Backuply, the 'Restore to new' feature was not functioning properly. This is fixed.
17. [BugFix] Some Proxmox servers (Older version of proxmox) were experiencing issues with VNC. This is fixed.
18. [Task] Multi-disk support has been added to XCP
19. [Task] Razorpay has been added as an payment option for Cloud Billing.
20. [Task] The last name field has been added to the registration page for cloud user registration process
21. [Task] Added a check for identical filenames when adding or editing an ostemplate
22. [Task] The IPv6 address will now be displayed in a toast/tooltip message on the Manage VPS page
----------------Patch 5------------------
23. [Feature] Added support of Backuply for Proxmox KVM VM(s).
24. [Feature] Now ippool(s) can be assigned to all user. Previously it was allowed only for cloud users with billing enabled.
25. [Task] Added an alogorithm to detect fastest mirror available for faster downloads of templates and updates.
26. [Task] Added more logging for windows static ips assignment script.
27. [Task] Now email will be sent in background task for operations like creat, rebuild, suspened and unsuspend VM(s)
28. [Task] On ManageVPS page now notice will be shown, if the bridge is not present on the node for the IP which has been added.
29. [Task] Imporoved disk partitioning and resizing for GPT based templates.
30. [Task] Removed Java VNC support from Admin and enduser panel
31. [BugFix] If XEN PV or HVM VM was created with VNC enabled at that time it was giving error while starting the VM. This is fixed.
32. [BugFix] On server monitoring page, it was showing that the smartctl binary i snot installed even though it was present. This is fixed.
33. [BugFix] In Virtuozzo KVM on resizing the disk, another disk was getting added. This is fixed.
34. [BugFix] Migrations were failing for Proxmox KVM VM(s), if the VM was powered off. This is fixed.
35. [BugFix] Recipe was not working in OpenVZ 7 containers. This is fixed.
36. [BugFix]
On ManageVPS wizard if the plan was selected and values were not
applied, at that time IPv6 subnet was getting removed. This is fixed.
37. [BugFix] Added boot order option for KVM. Now admin can select the boot order from which Disk they want the VM to boot.
38. [BugFix] After adding the storage, storage details were showing as 0. This is fixed.
----------------Patch 6------------------
39. [BugFix] Windows VM creation / Edit VM with custom partition (system reserved or any other partition present) was not working. This issue was introduced in This is fixed.
----------------Patch 7------------------
40. [BugFix] Setting boot order for KVM VPS from Enduser Panel was not working properly. This is Fixed.
41. [BugFix] Enabling Rescue Mode for KVM VPS was not working. This is Fixed.
42. [BugFix] User was able to create/resize KVM VPS greater than 2TB storage using OS templates with MBR partitioning Scheme. This is Fixed.
43. [BugFix] Windows VPS with Customs partitions using block storage was not resizing properly. This is Fixed.
Please let us know if you face any issues / have any suggestions. We are available on Virtualizor live chat at https://virtualizor.com
Virtualizor Team