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Virtualizor 3.2.0 Stable


The Virtualizor Team has released Virtualizor 3.2.0
In this version, we have some New Professional features and fixes.

Here is the complete change list:

1. [Feature] Added Firewall for Enduser panel. Endusers can apply the firewall rules for their machines from enduser panel

2. [Feature] Added Sorting on the List Servers Page on the admin panel

3. [Feature] A New theme has been added as 2024 for Enduser panel. This theme is in Beta.

4. [Feature] Now enduser can add their recipes from enduser panel

5. [Feature] Added option to add SRV record in PDNS management

6. [Bugfix] While adding a user from an API call allowed virtualizations were not assigned properly. This is fixed.

7. [Bugfix] Reducing SWAP to 0 was causing issues. Now an error will be shown saying that SWAP can not be reduced to 0.

8. [Bugfix] Unsuspension calls from WHMCS were failing because a proper response was not coming from the API call. This is fixed.

9. [Bugfix] On rebuilding the VM, VM password was not saved properly. This is fixed.

10. [Bugfix] On reboot of Node having proxmox 8 as base node OS, VNC was not working for VMs. This is fixed.

11. [Bugfix] RTC setting was not working for proxmox KVM machines. This is fixed.

12. [Bugfix] For KVM guests if guest-agent was enabled, at that time disk usage was showing 0 in enduser panel. This is fixed.

13. [Bugfix] Backup disks were showing as orphaned disk(s). Now backup disks will not be shown in the Orphan disk list.

14. [Bugfix] In the cloud user panel (Billing enabled) after making a payment suspension notice was still shown. This is fixed.

15. [Bugfix] While migrating the VM having more than 250 IPs it resulted in failed Migration. This is fixed.

16. [Bugfix] While adding user(s) from API if the user plan ID was posted, at that time user resources were not getting applied. This is fixed.

17. [Task] Now Cloud users can select recipes while creating VM(s).

18. [Task] Improved listvs API response.

19. [Task] If a VPS plan was created for a load balancer and the destination server did not have a Professional license, at that time it was creating a VM as a normal VM. Added error check for a professional license for such a scenario.

------------------------------ Patch 1 ------------------------------
20. [Bugfix] The QR Code was not shown while enabling the two-factor Authentication. This is fixed.
21. [Bugfix] New theme was not getting enabled. This is fixed.
22. [Bugfix] For CEPH block storage, if a VM disk size was created for more than 1000 GB at that time on every edit of the VM, a disk resize task was created which was causing the issue. This is fixed.
23. [Bugfix] LDAP login was not working for slave panels. This is fixed.
24. [Task] Improvements for new UI.

------------------------------ Patch 2 ------------------------------

25. [Feature]  Added Windows templates to Template Browser on Admin Panel

26. [Feature]  Now NoVNC will be Enabled/Disabled without Stop and Start of the Machine (For KVM)

27. [Tasks]  Improved Firewall rules

28. [Tasks]  Improved API response for List VS page on enduser panel

------------------------------ Patch 3 ------------------------------
29. [Bugfix] Bulk Firewall changes were not applied properly. This is fixed.
30. [Bugfix] API statistic call was not working for previous months data. This is fixed.
31. [Bugfix] The RDNS option was shown on enduser panel even though the setting was disabled from Admin panel and only PDNS was enabled. This is fixed.
32. [Feature] QCOW2 support added for templates. At the moment only Virtualizor templates will work. Soon will be added for cloud images.

------------------------------ Patch 4 ------------------------------

33. [Task]  Now for Master Only server, while creating VM it will select the first available node, instead of showing warning that you can not create VM on masteronly node.

34. [Task]  Firewall will be available for all endusers.

35. [Task]  Minor UI changes for 2024 theme

36. [Bugfix]  If any internal IP pool was assigned to the user, at that time free public IP pool was not showing up for the same user. This is fixed.

37. [Bugfix] Rescue mode was not working for qcow2 disk storage. This is fixed.

38. [Bugfix]  VM password were not getting reset if the VM was rebuilt from Linux to Windows or vice versa. This is fixed.

39. [Bugfix]  If VM was created using SSH keys at that time while rebuilding it was giving error. Now added option to remove old ssh keys and add new keys.

40. [Bugfix]  On Xenserver 8, DHCP entries were not written correct, due to which VM were not able to start. This is fixed.
------------------------------ Patch 5 ------------------------------
41. [BugFix] On masteronly server, other servers were not getting selected. This was introduced in This is fixed.

Please let us know if you face any issues / have any suggestions. We are available on Virtualizor live chat at

Virtualizor Team

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