act | POST | addplan | The action specified to perform operation and will return "done" as "1" on successful creation of the plan | Yes |
plan_name | POST | text | Name of the plan | Yes |
cplan | POST | text | The Virt type of Plan(openvz,kvm,xcp,xcphvm,xen,xenhvm,lxc,vzo,vzk, proxo, proxk, proxl) | Yes |
disk_space | POST | Int | Amount of disk space in GB for the VPS | Yes |
guaranteed_ram | POST | Int | Amount of ram in MB for the VPS | Yes |
swapram | POST | Int | Amount of swap ram for the VPS (Required for kvm,xcp, xcphvm, xen, xenhvm, lxc, vzo, vzk, proxo ) | Yes |
burst_ram | POST | Int | Amount of burst ram for the VPS(Required for OpenVz ) | No |
bandwidth | POST | Int | Network bandwidth in GB(Setting 0 will set bandwidth to unlimited) | Yes |
network_speed | POST | Int | Network speed in KB/s | No |
cpu_units | POST | Int | The amount of CPU units to be set | Yes |
cpu_cores | POST | Int | The amount of CPU cores to be set | Yes |
percent_cpu | POST | Int | The total amount of CPU processing in percent to be given to a VPS | Yes |
priority | POST | Int | Required I/O priority (Required for OpenVz ). Valid values are 1-7. | No |
ips | POST | Int | The number IPv4 ips | No |
ips6_subnet | POST | Int | The number of ipv6 subnet | No |
ips6 | POST | Int | The number of ipv6 address | No |
ips_int | POST | Int | The number of internal ips to be specified | No |
ploop | POST | 1/0 | 1 to enable ploop | No |
virtio | POST | 1/0 | This will enable/disable virtio for the vps | No |
acpi | POST | 1/0 | This will enable/disable acpi for the vps | No |
apic | POST | 1/0 | This will enable/disable apic for the vps | No |
pae | POST | 1/0 | This will enable/disable pae for the vps | No |
mgs | POST | array | This will assign the media group to the vps | No |
upload_speed | POST | Int | The upload speed for the vps in KB/s | No |
band_suspend | POST | 1/0 | The bandwidth suspension option will be enabled for the vps | No |
dns | POST | array | The array of DNS ips will be assigned to the vps | No |
ippoolid | POST | array | The array of Ip pool ID | No |
nic_type | POST | text | This will assign a network interface card. If not selected the
default card Realtek will be assigned refer below table for values | No |
control_panel | POST | text | The control panel selected will be installed on the vps (cpanel, webuzo, plesk, webmin, interworx,ispconfig, cwp, vesta) | No |
recipe | POST | Int | A recipe will be assigned to the vps | No |
cpu_mode | POST | text | Refer Values from below table | No |
enable_cpu_topology | POST | 1/0 | This will enable the cpu topology to the vps | No |
topology_sockets | POST | Int | IF cpu topology is enabled then Specify the number of CPU Sockets to be assigned to the VPS (Only for KVM, Proxmox KVM, XCP) | No |
topology_cores | POST | Int | IF cpu topology is enabled then Specify the number of CPU cores to be assigned to the VPS (Only for KVM, Proxmox KVM, XCP) | No |
topology_threads | POST | Int | IF cpu topology is enabled then Specify the number of CPU Threads to be assigned to the VPS (Only for KVM, Proxmox KVM, XCP) | No |
vnc_keymap | POST | text | Allows to select keymap can be 'en-us', 'de-ch', 'ar', 'da', 'et',
'fo', 'fr-be', 'fr-ch', 'hu', 'it', 'lt', 'mk', 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ru',
'sv', 'tr', 'de', 'en-gb', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'fr-ca', 'hr', 'is', 'ja',
'lv', 'nl-be', 'pl', 'pt-br', 'sl', 'th' | No |
kvm_cache | POST | text | The type disk-cache mechanism can be writeback, writethrough, directsync or default (Only for KVM and Proxmox KVM) | No |
io_mode | POST | text | Sets the I/O policy for the VPS can be native/threads (Only for KVM) | No |
kvm_vga | POST | 1/0 | Enables VGA for the VPS (Only for KVM) | No |
acceleration | POST | 1/0 | If VGA is enabled then this option will enable 2D and 3D acceleration will be for the VPS | No |
total_iops_sec | POST | Int | Assigns Total I/O time to the vps | No |
read_bytes_sec | POST | Int | Assigns Read MB/s value to the vps | No |
write_bytes_sec | POST | Int | Assigns Write MB/s value to the vps | No |
rdp | POST | 1/0 | Enables RDP for the vps | No |
osreinstall_limit | POST | Int | Set OS reinstall limit to the vps | No |
admin_managed | POST | 1/0 | If checked, VPS can not be managed from Enduser panel | No |
disable_nw_config | POST | 1/0 | If checked, Virtualizor will not configure/re-write network when a
VPS is rebooted. However, during creation of the VPS, the network file
will be written | No |
plan_template | POST | Int | Will copy the plan given in the plan ID | No |
tuntap | POST | 1/0 | Enable disable for VPS | No |
ppp | POST | 1/0 | Enable disable ppp for VPS | No |
fuse | POST | 1/0 | Enable disable fuse for Containers | No |
ipip | POST | 1/0 | Enable disable ipip for Containers | No |
ipgre | POST | 1/0 | Enable disable ipgre for Containers | No |
nfs | POST | 1/0 | Enable disable nfs for Containers | No |
quotaugidlimit | POST | Int | Enables or disables in-container per-user and per-group disk quotas.
If the value is set to 0 or not set, disk quotas inside the container
is disabled and not accounted | No |
iolimit | POST | Int | If set, IO operation will not exceed the specified limit while performing IO operations. | No |
iopslimit | POST | Int | If set, IO operations per second will not exceed the soecified limit | No |
install_xentools | POST | 1/0 | If enabled will install xentools for XEN | No |
shadow | POST | Int | Shadow Memory in MB Recommended value 8 MB | No |
pv_on_hvm | POST | 1/0 | The primary goal of PV on HVM is to boost performance of fully
virtualized HVM guests through use of specially optimized paravirtual
device drivers | No |
vif_type | POST | text | If you want to change the network interface emulation type. Options are netfront or ioemu | No |
numa | POST | 1/0 | Enable disable Numa for Proxmox KVM/Qemu | No |
h_rate[-1] | POST | Int | Hourly Pricing Rate for server, for specific server you need to pass server ID in place of '-1' | No |
m_rate[-1] | POST | Int | Monthly Pricing Rate for server, for specific server you need to pass server ID in place of '-1' | No |
y_rate[-1] | POST | Int | Yearly Pricing Rate for server, for specific server you need to pass server ID in place of '-1' | No |
os_type | POST | text | Setting the proper os_type allows Proxmox VE to optimize some low level parameters, Please refer following table for valid os_type values (For Proxmox kvm only) | No |
rtc | POST | 1/0 | If rtc is is set to1 then it is enabled else it is disabled (For Proxmox kvm only) | No |
kvm_vga | POST | Int | Assign vga vram value in MB. By default virtualizor will assign 8MB. (For KVM only) | No |
ssd_emulation | POST | Int | Provide 1 for to enable ssd_emulation. (For KVM and Promox kvm only) | No |
disable_password | POST | Int | If enabled then password authentication will be restricted for SSH. | No |
discard | POST | Int | Provde 1 to enable disacrd option (Only for Promox KVM)
| No |