Use the Edit Slave Configuration API to update the configuration of the slave server.
Virtualizor supports master slave cluster architecture.
Slave server settings are specific only to that server and Virtualizor gives preference to them over the master settings.
For example, if the timezone for the master server is set to "Pacific Time" then all the slave server's whose timezone is not set individually, will have their timezone set to "Pacific Time".
The API response will contain "done" as "1" on successful update of the slave settings.
HTTP Request
Name | Method | Value | Description | Required |
act | GET | config_slave | The action will edit Slave Settings and return done as 1 on success | Yes |
editsettings | POST | 1/0 | If set then the settings will be edited and saved | Yes |
serid | POST | int | Slave's server id that is to be edited | Yes |
cookie_name | POST | text | The name of the cookie that will be stored on browsers. | Yes |
soft_email | POST | text | The email address for the FROM headers. | Yes |
timezone | POST | Int | The time zone, Refer below table for values | Yes |
cpu_nm | POST | 1/0 | Show the CPU Model name in all VPS | No |
overcommit | POST | Int | If specified the total allocated RAM for all VPS on the physical server cannot exceed this value. | No |
vnc_ip | POST | text | The vnc ip for the slave .Use this option only when Virtualizor is installed on an Internal Network | No |
del_slave_ostemplate | POST | 1/0 | If checked then OS template from all Slave servers will be deleted | No |
keep_orphan_template | POST | 1/0 | If checked, then Orphan OS template which are not added to Virtualizor will not be deleted. | No |
disable_virttop | POST | 1/0 | If checked, statistics about CPU and DISK I/O of VPS on supported hypervisors will not display the values. | No |
showsearch | POST | 1/0 | If checked, Search Box will be displayed on pages where applicable in the admin panel. | No |
interface | POST | text | The public network interface of the server. If left empty, eth0 will be assumed as the default interface. | No |
node_bandwidth | POST | Int | The total bandwidth of the Node in GB. If set to Zero, the bandwidth calculation will assume unlimited bandwidth | No |
vps_bandwidth_threshold | POST | Int | If set to Zero bandwidth threshold email will be disabled. Value in % | No |
ping_ip | POST | text | When the Virtualizor Bridge Network is started it will try to ping to this IP to check if the server has connectivity. If empty, then Virtualizor will ping | No |
disable_nw_config | POST | 1/0 | If checked, Virtualizor will not configure/re-write network when a VPS is rebooted. However, during creation of the VPS, the network file will be written. | No |
speed_cap_disable | POST | 1/0 | Global setting to disable VPS network speed capping | No |
haproxy_enable | POST | 1/0 | This allows VPS(s) to host services on private IPs that can be accessed through internet | No |
haproxy_src_ips | POST | text | Comma separated list of IPs on which HAProxy is allowed to listen on this server. If blank, the slave servers primary IP will be used. | No |
haproxy_reservedports | POST | text | List of source ports which will not be allowed for HAProxy. Multiple ports should be seprated by ',' and port range must be specified with '-'. (eg: 26,99,1001-1005) | No |
haproxy_reservedports_http | POST | text | List of source ports reserved for HAProxy to be used only for HTTP and HTTPS protocol i.e. these ports will not be allowed for any TCP ports in HAProxy. Multiple ports should be seprated by ',' and port range must be specified with '-'. (eg: 26,99,1001-1005) | No |
haproxy_allowedports | POST | text | List of source ports allowed to be used for any protocol for HAProxy. If left blank, any port available will be allowed to the user. Note : If specified, HTTP and TCP ports will be allowed only from these port(s). Multiple ports should be seprated by ',' and port range must be specified with '-'. (eg: 26,99,1001-1005) | No |
novnc_server_name | POST | 1/0 | If enabled, then the server name (instead of its IP) will be used as the host to access the noVNC service | No |
change_ssh_port | POST | Int | Set the SSH port for your Server | No |
max_ssh_login | POST | Int | Set the maximum SSH login attempts | No |
server_latitude | POST | Int | Enter the latitude of the server location to be displayed in the MAP | No |
server_longitude | POST | Int | Enter the longitude of the server location to be displayed in the MAP | No |
vpslimit | POST | Int | This config is to restrict the number of VPS that will be created on this server. Set 0 for no restriction. | No |
vcores | POST | Int | Number of virtual cores available for VPS creation. Once the limit is reached VPS(s) can not be created on this node | No |
addvs_cpu_prio | POST | Int | The amount of CPU time the VPS creation process will get. Values from 19 (least favourable) to -20 (most favourable) | No |
addvs_io_prio | POST | Int | I/O priority for the VPS creation process. Values from 0 (most favourable) to 7 (least favourable) | No |
addvs_io_class | POST | Int | I/O class for the VPS creation process (1 for Real Time, 2 Best Effort and 3 fro IDle) | No |
update | POST | Int | If enabled Virtualizor will automatically update itself to the latest version(0 for Never Update,1 for Stable branch and 3 for Release Candidate ) | No |
email_update | POST | 1/0 | Will send emails when Virtualizor upgrades are available or Auto Upgrade is performed | No |
cron_time | POST | text | The cron job that will collect all information of VPS(s) and also check for updates | Yes |
emps_cron_time | POST | text | The EMPS cron job that will update the EMPS stack of PHP, NGinx and MySQL. | Yes |
alert_load_limit | POST | Int | If the 15 minute load of the hardware node exceeds the limit set here, an email will be sent to the Administrator | No |
alert_disk_limit | POST | Int | If the Disk Usage of the Node exceeds the set limit (in %), an email will be sent to the Administrator. | No |
( chinese | dutch | english | french | german | polish | portuguese | russian | spanish | ukraine ) |
Value | Name |
-12 | (GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein |
-11 | (GMT -11:00) Midway Island, Samoa |
-10 | (GMT -10:00) Hawaii |
-9 | (GMT -9:00) Alaska |
-8 | (GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) |
-7 | (GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) |
-6 | (GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City |
-5 | (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima |
-4 | (GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz |
-3.5 | (GMT -3:30) Newfoundland |
-3 | (GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown |
-2 | (GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic |
-1 | (GMT -1:00 hour) Azores, Cape Verde Islands |
0 | (GMT) Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca |
1 | (GMT +1:00 hour) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris |
2 | (GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa |
3 | (GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg |
3.5 | (GMT +3:30) Tehran |
4 | (GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi |
4.5 | (GMT +4:30) Kabul |
5 | (GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent |
5.5 | (GMT +5:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi |
6 | (GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo |
6.5 | (GMT +6:30) Yangon, Myanmar |
7 | (GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta |
8 | (GMT +8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong |
9 | (GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk |
9.5 | (GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin |
10 | (GMT +10:00) Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok |
11 | (GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia |
12 | (GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka |
Sample Code
$key = 'your_api_key';
$pass = 'your_api_pass';
$ip = 'your_server_ip';
$admin = new Virtualizor_Admin_API($ip, $key, $pass);
$post = array();
$post['editsettings'] = 1;
$post['soft_email'] = '';
$post['timezone'] = 0;
$post['cron_time'] = '18 16 * * 3';
$post['emps_cron_time'] = '18 16 * * 3';
$post['cookie_name'] = 'SIMCookies3042';
$output = $admin->config_slave($post);
"title": "Configuration",
"done": 1,
"globals": {
"path": "/usr/local/virtualizor",
"slave": 0,
"masterkey": "",
"masterip": "",
"key": "lf6klmphhpyrxqacmuebs2ioxlzrc37g",
"pass": "ti3thxss38v8jj6cybhwdc1xvghyetob",
"kernel": "kvm",
"lv": "",
"thin_lv": "",
"disk_path": "",
"dbhost": "localhost",
"db": "virtualizor",
"dbuser": "root",
"dbpass": "25etajy45w",
"sn": "API Virt",
"cookie_name": "SIMCookies3042",
"gzip": 0,
"cpu_nm": 0,
"overcommit": 0,
"language": "english",
"soft_email": "",
"theme_folder": "test",
"timezone": "0",
"update": 0,
"email_update": 0,
"email_update_client": 0,
"cron_time": "18 16 * * 3",
"emps_cron_time": "18 16 * * 3",
"logo_url": "",
"logo_login_url": "",
"mail": 1,
"mail_server": "",
"mail_port": "",
"mail_user": "",
"mail_pass": "",
"mail_smtp_secure": 0,
"mail_debug": 0,
"mail_connect_timeout": 0,
"off": 0,
"off_subject": "",
"off_message": "",
"admin_logs": 2,
"vps_logs": 2,
"login_logs": 2,
"system_logs": 2,
"status_logs": 7,
"bandwidth_logs": 0,
"sess_len": 30000,
"copyright": "",
"interface": "",
"xen_pvbridge": "",
"xen_hvmbridge": "",
"xen_dom0mem": 0,
"use_xl": "",
"ipadd": "",
"netmask": "",
"gateway": "",
"ip6add": "",
"gateway6": "",
"int_bridge": "",
"int_ipadd": "",
"int_netmask": "",
"login_attempts": 5,
"login_ban_time": 15,
"alert_load_limit": 0,
"alert_disk_limit": 0,
"vswap": 0,
"noc_apikey": "",
"noc_apipass": "",
"disable_webuzo": "",
"disabled_scripts": "",
"disable_icons_monitor": 0,
"disable_icons_cp": 0,
"disable_email": 0,
"node_bandwidth": 0,
"vps_bandwidth_threshold": 0,
"change_ssh_port": 0,
"max_ssh_login": 0,
"vnc_ip": "",
"ping_ip": "",
"distro": "",
"dhcp_interface": "",
"support": "",
"addvs_io_class": "",
"addvs_io_prio": "",
"addvs_cpu_prio": "",
"vpslimit": "",
"ploop": 0,
"enable_tuntap_cp": 0,
"enable_ppp_cp": 0,
"enable_fuse_cp": 0,
"enable_ipip_cp": 0,
"enable_ipgre_cp": 0,
"enable_nfs_cp": 0,
"enable_quotaugidlimit_cp": 0,
"enable_iolimit_cp": 0,
"enable_iopslimit_cp": 0,
"enable_enduser_vnc": 0,
"show_server": 0,
"band_suspend": 0,
"speed_cap_disable": 0,
"is_master_only": 0,
"xcp_lv_prefix": "",
"novnc": 0,
"novnc_master_only": 0,
"novnc_server_name": 0,
"queue_creation": 0,
"disable_dd_flags": 0,
"dbbackup_email": "",
"dbbackup_cron": "",
"dbbackup_type": "EMAIL",
"dbbackup_server": 0,
"dbbackup_server_dir": "",
"is_cloud": "",
"bridge": "viifbr0",
"pv_on_hvm": 0,
"band_calc_creation": 0,
"no_ebtables_on_plans": "",
"master_name": "",
"inodes_gb": "",
"openvz_suspend_load": 0,
"disable_login_logo": 0,
"enable_rdns": 0,
"disable_backup_cp": 0,
"auto_add_zone": 0,
"enable_console": 0,
"curl_timeout": "",
"del_novps_user": 0,
"del_slave_ostemplate": 0,
"disable_master_vpsname": 0,
"showsearch": 0,
"site_domain": "",
"use_new_theme": "",
"turnoff_virtdf": 1,
"disable_newtheme": 0,
"disable_recipes": 0,
"enable_virtio": 0,
"disable_suspend_email": 0,
"enable_idsort": 0,
"del_tasks": 0,
"disable_apicredential": 0,
"disable_rescue": 0,
"disable_change_hostname": 0,
"disable_change_password": 0,
"disable_vps_config": 0,
"disable_os_reinstall": 0,
"disable_ssh": 0,
"disable_java_vnc": 0,
"disable_self_shutdown": 0,
"disable_server_location": 0,
"disable_enduser_sshkeys": 0,
"disable_vga": 0,
"enable_nic": 0,
"cb_hash": "oidzotex0av7rueyzonhnbn7nokndmgd",
"enable_cb": 0,
"cb_use_https": 0,
"cb_url": "",
"cb_suspend": 0,
"cb_unsuspend": 0,
"cb_hostname": 0,
"cb_terminate": 0,
"cb_changeips": 0,
"default_sg_name": "",
"default_sg_reseller_name": "",
"default_sg_desc": "",
"custom_mac": "",
"cloud_allow_virtio": 0,
"le_primary_domain": "",
"le_contact_email": "",
"le_key_size": 4096,
"le_renew_days": 80,
"le_staging": 0,
"le_enable_force": 0,
"2fa_email_otp": 0,
"enable_2fa": 0,
"eu_allow_virtio": 0,
"keep_orphan_template": 0,
"pass_strength": 0,
"haproxy_enable": 0,
"haproxy_src_ips": "",
"haproxy_reservedports": "",
"haproxy_reservedports_http": "",
"haproxy_allowedports": "",
"haproxy_cron_logs": 0,
"backup_queue": 0,
"restore_queue": 0,
"server_latitude": 0,
"server_longitude": 0,
"disable_nw_config": 0,
"enable_eu_iso": 0,
"eu_iso_size": "",
"eu_iso_limit": "",
"eu_iso_space": "",
"eu_iso_del_hr": "",
"secure_allowed_ips": "",
"backup_email": "",
"backup_disable_success_mail": 0,
"disable_virttop": 0,
"set_def_hvm": 0,
"memory_limit": 0,
"proxmox_server_pass": "",
"proxmox_server_name": "",
"proxmox_server_pass_salt": "",
"max_ips": 250,
"cp_url": "http://",
"inhouse_billing": 0,
"enable_registration": 0,
"user_pass_min_char": 8,
"support_email": "",
"default_uplid": 0,
"billing_warn_bal": 80,
"billing_currency": "USD",
"billing_symbol": "$",
"billing_min": "50",
"billing_max": "1000",
"billing_day": 0,
"billing_comp": "",
"billing_addr1": "",
"billing_addr2": "",
"paypal_account": "",
"paypal_api_user": "",
"paypal_api_pass": "",
"paypal_api_sig": "",
"paypal_env": "",
"captcha_secret": "",
"captcha_sitekey": "",
"resource_pricing": "",
"recipe_shell": "#!/bin/sh",
"hf_loaded": 1,
"charset": "UTF-8",
"showntimetaken": 1,
"version": "2.9.7",
"patch": "0",
"license": "VIRTD-81008-78272-55853-14018",
"port": 4082,
"vpsid": 0,
"index": "index.php?",
"server": 0,
"queries": 0,
"docs": "",
"apiurl": "",
"openvzos": "/vz/template/cache",
"xenos": "/var/virtualizor/xen",
"kvmos": "/var/virtualizor/kvm",
"xcpos": "/var/virtualizor/xcp",
"lxcos": "/var/virtualizor/lxc",
"proxoos": "/var/virtualizor/proxo",
"proxkos": "/var/virtualizor/proxk",
"proxlos": "/var/virtualizor/proxl",
"vzoos": "/vz/template/cache",
"vzkos": "/var/virtualizor/vzk",
"isos": "/var/virtualizor/iso",
"euisos": "/var/virtualizor/euiso",
"virtualboxos": "/var/virtualizor/virtualbox",
"var": "/var/virtualizor",
"lxc_path": "/var/lib/lxc/",
"virts": {
"openvz": "openvz",
"xen": "xen",
"xenhvm": "xenhvm",
"kvm": "kvm",
"xcp": "xcp",
"xcphvm": "xcphvm",
"lxc": "lxc",
"proxo": "proxo",
"proxk": "proxk",
"proxl": "proxl",
"vzk": "vzk",
"vzo": "vzo"
"mainfiles": "/usr/local/virtualizor/main",
"adminfiles": "/usr/local/virtualizor/admin",
"themes": "/usr/local/virtualizor/enduser/themes",
"runtime_theme": "api",
"webuzo_scripts": "/var/virtualizor/webuzo_scripts",
"_disabled_scripts": [],
"notupdated_task": 3600,
"os": "linux",
"com": {
"vgdisplay": "/sbin/vgdisplay",
"lvdisplay": "/sbin/lvdisplay",
"lvscan": "/sbin/lvscan",
"lvcreate": "/sbin/lvcreate",
"lvremove": "/sbin/lvremove",
"resizefs": "/sbin/resize2fs",
"php": "/usr/local/emps/bin/php",
"pgzip": "/bin/gzip"
"vcores": 0,
"resource_types": [
"HTTP_HOST": "",
"lictype": "-1",
"lictype_txt": "Trial",
"active": 1,
"active_txt": "Active",
"licnumvs": "0",
"primary_ip": "",
"licexpires": "20180930",
"licexpires_txt": "30/09/2018 GMT",
"last_edit": "1530596724",
"fast_mirrors": [
"pgtimezone": 0,
"apicall": "cjifuxdo",
"apidata": [],
"ind": "index.php?"
"info": {
"path": "/usr/local/virtualizor",
"slave": 0,
"masterkey": "",
"masterip": "",
"key": "lf6klmphhpyrxqacmuebs2ioxlzrc37g",
"pass": "ti3thxss38v8jj6cybhwdc1xvghyetob",
"kernel": "kvm",
"lv": "",
"thin_lv": "",
"disk_path": "",
"dbhost": "localhost",
"db": "virtualizor",
"dbuser": "root",
"dbpass": "25etajy45w",
"sn": "API Virt",
"cookie_name": "SIMCookies3042",
"gzip": 0,
"cpu_nm": 0,
"overcommit": 0,
"language": "english",
"soft_email": "",
"theme_folder": "test",
"timezone": "0",
"update": 0,
"email_update": 0,
"email_update_client": 0,
"cron_time": "18 16 * * 3",
"emps_cron_time": "18 16 * * 3",
"logo_url": "",
"logo_login_url": "",
"mail": 1,
"mail_server": "",
"mail_port": "",
"mail_user": "",
"mail_pass": "",
"mail_smtp_secure": 0,
"mail_debug": 0,
"mail_connect_timeout": 0,
"off": 0,
"off_subject": "",
"off_message": "",
"admin_logs": 2,
"vps_logs": 2,
"login_logs": 2,
"system_logs": 2,
"status_logs": 7,
"bandwidth_logs": 0,
"sess_len": 30000,
"copyright": "",
"interface": "",
"xen_pvbridge": "",
"xen_hvmbridge": "",
"xen_dom0mem": 0,
"use_xl": "",
"ipadd": "",
"netmask": "",
"gateway": "",
"ip6add": "",
"gateway6": "",
"int_bridge": "",
"int_ipadd": "",
"int_netmask": "",
"login_attempts": 5,
"login_ban_time": 15,
"alert_load_limit": 0,
"alert_disk_limit": 0,
"vswap": 0,
"noc_apikey": "",
"noc_apipass": "",
"disable_webuzo": "",
"disabled_scripts": "",
"disable_icons_monitor": 0,
"disable_icons_cp": 0,
"disable_email": 0,
"node_bandwidth": 0,
"vps_bandwidth_threshold": 0,
"change_ssh_port": 0,
"max_ssh_login": 0,
"vnc_ip": "",
"ping_ip": "",
"distro": "",
"dhcp_interface": "",
"support": "",
"addvs_io_class": "",
"addvs_io_prio": "",
"addvs_cpu_prio": "",
"vpslimit": "",
"ploop": 0,
"enable_tuntap_cp": 0,
"enable_ppp_cp": 0,
"enable_fuse_cp": 0,
"enable_ipip_cp": 0,
"enable_ipgre_cp": 0,
"enable_nfs_cp": 0,
"enable_quotaugidlimit_cp": 0,
"enable_iolimit_cp": 0,
"enable_iopslimit_cp": 0,
"enable_enduser_vnc": 0,
"show_server": 0,
"band_suspend": 0,
"speed_cap_disable": 0,
"is_master_only": 0,
"xcp_lv_prefix": "",
"novnc": 0,
"novnc_master_only": 0,
"novnc_server_name": 0,
"queue_creation": 0,
"disable_dd_flags": 0,
"dbbackup_email": "",
"dbbackup_cron": "",
"dbbackup_type": "EMAIL",
"dbbackup_server": 0,
"dbbackup_server_dir": "",
"is_cloud": "",
"bridge": "viifbr0",
"pv_on_hvm": 0,
"band_calc_creation": 0,
"no_ebtables_on_plans": "",
"master_name": "",
"inodes_gb": "",
"openvz_suspend_load": 0,
"disable_login_logo": 0,
"enable_rdns": 0,
"disable_backup_cp": 0,
"auto_add_zone": 0,
"enable_console": 0,
"curl_timeout": "",
"del_novps_user": 0,
"del_slave_ostemplate": 0,
"disable_master_vpsname": 0,
"showsearch": 0,
"site_domain": "",
"use_new_theme": "",
"turnoff_virtdf": 1,
"disable_newtheme": 0,
"disable_recipes": 0,
"enable_virtio": 0,
"disable_suspend_email": 0,
"enable_idsort": 0,
"del_tasks": 0,
"disable_apicredential": 0,
"disable_rescue": 0,
"disable_change_hostname": 0,
"disable_change_password": 0,
"disable_vps_config": 0,
"disable_os_reinstall": 0,
"disable_ssh": 0,
"disable_java_vnc": 0,
"disable_self_shutdown": 0,
"disable_server_location": 0,
"disable_enduser_sshkeys": 0,
"disable_vga": 0,
"enable_nic": 0,
"cb_hash": "oidzotex0av7rueyzonhnbn7nokndmgd",
"enable_cb": 0,
"cb_use_https": 0,
"cb_url": "",
"cb_suspend": 0,
"cb_unsuspend": 0,
"cb_hostname": 0,
"cb_terminate": 0,
"cb_changeips": 0,
"default_sg_name": "",
"default_sg_reseller_name": "",
"default_sg_desc": "",
"custom_mac": "",
"cloud_allow_virtio": 0,
"le_primary_domain": "",
"le_contact_email": "",
"le_key_size": 4096,
"le_renew_days": 80,
"le_staging": 0,
"le_enable_force": 0,
"2fa_email_otp": 0,
"enable_2fa": 0,
"eu_allow_virtio": 0,
"keep_orphan_template": 0,
"pass_strength": 0,
"haproxy_enable": 0,
"haproxy_src_ips": "",
"haproxy_reservedports": "",
"haproxy_reservedports_http": "",
"haproxy_allowedports": "",
"haproxy_cron_logs": 0,
"backup_queue": 0,
"restore_queue": 0,
"server_latitude": 0,
"server_longitude": 0,
"disable_nw_config": 0,
"enable_eu_iso": 0,
"eu_iso_size": "",
"eu_iso_limit": "",
"eu_iso_space": "",
"eu_iso_del_hr": "",
"secure_allowed_ips": "",
"backup_email": "",
"backup_disable_success_mail": 0,
"disable_virttop": 0,
"set_def_hvm": 0,
"memory_limit": 0,
"proxmox_server_pass": "",
"proxmox_server_name": "",
"proxmox_server_pass_salt": "",
"max_ips": 250,
"cp_url": "http://",
"inhouse_billing": 0,
"enable_registration": 0,
"user_pass_min_char": 8,
"support_email": "",
"default_uplid": 0,
"billing_warn_bal": 80,
"billing_currency": "USD",
"billing_symbol": "$",
"billing_min": "50",
"billing_max": "1000",
"billing_day": 0,
"billing_comp": "",
"billing_addr1": "",
"billing_addr2": "",
"paypal_account": "",
"paypal_api_user": "",
"paypal_api_pass": "",
"paypal_api_sig": "",
"paypal_env": "",
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