Get Virtualizor

List DNS Plans

Use the List DNS Plans API to list the DNS Plans present on the Virtualizor panel. A DNS plan contains information about the number of records that the DNS server can hold, the TTL given to the records and the maximum number of domains that the DNS server can have. The API response contains a list of these DNS plans listed according to their IDs. To filter or limit the size of the list, you can specify one or more query parameters.

See also : Configure PowerDNS guide.

HTTP Request



actGETdnsplansThe action specified to perform operationYes
reslenGETIntNumber of records to be returned, default is 50No
pageGETIntPage number, each page show 50 recordsNo
plannamePOSTtextSearch using the dns plan nameNo

Sample Code



    $key =  'your_api_key';
    $pass = 'your_api_pass';
    $ip = 'your_server_ip';

    $admin = new Virtualizor_Admin_API($ip, $key, $pass);

    $page = 1;
    $reslen = 10;
    $post = array();
    $post['planname'] = '';

    $output = $admin->listdnsplans($page,$reslen,$post);



    "title": "DNS Plans",
    "dnsplans": {
        "1": {
            "dnsplid": "1",
            "pdnsid": "10",
            "plan_name": "test",
            "max_domains": "1000",
            "max_domain_records": "1999",
            "def_ttl": "10000",
            "dns_server_name": null
        "2": {
            "dnsplid": "2",
            "pdnsid": "10",
            "plan_name": "test2",
            "max_domains": "1000",
            "max_domain_records": "1999",
            "def_ttl": "10000",
            "dns_server_name": null
        "3": {
            "dnsplid": "3",
            "pdnsid": "10",
            "plan_name": "test3",
            "max_domains": "1000",
            "max_domain_records": "1999",
            "def_ttl": "10000",
            "dns_server_name": null
        "4": {
            "dnsplid": "4",
            "pdnsid": "10",
            "plan_name": "test4",
            "max_domains": "1000",
            "max_domain_records": "1999",
            "def_ttl": "10000",
            "dns_server_name": null
        "5": {
            "dnsplid": "5",
            "pdnsid": "10",
            "plan_name": "test5",
            "max_domains": "1000",
            "max_domain_records": "1999",
            "def_ttl": "10000",
            "dns_server_name": null
    "timenow": 1535717662,
    "time_taken": "0.255"
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