Get Virtualizor

List Virtual Servers

API Description

Use the List Virtual Server API to list all the Virtual Private Servers present on your Server.

A Virtual Private Server is an instance of your physical server that appears to the user as a dedicated server. The list contains all information about the VPS such as the hostname, the OS installed, CPU cores and bandwidth allocated. which are listed according to the VPS IDs. To filter or limit the size of the list, you can specify one or more query parameters.

HTTP Request

curl "https://hostname:4085/index.php?adminapikey=your_api_key&adminapipass=your_api_pass&act=vs&vpsid=id&vpsname=vpsname&vpsip=vpsip&vpshostname=vpshostname&vsstatus=vsstatus&vstype=vstype&speedcap=speedcap&user=user&vsgid=vsgid&vserid=vserid&plid=plid&bpid=bpid&search=Search"


Values for vstype can be anyone from below :
(xen | xenhvm | xcp | xcphvm | openvz | kvm | lxc | vzo | vzk | proxo | proxk | proxl)

Sample Code



    $key =  'your_api_key';
    $pass = 'your_api_pass';
    $ip = 'your_server_ip';

    $admin = new Virtualizor_Admin_API($ip, $key, $pass);

    $page = 0;
    $reslen = 0;
    //For Searching
    $post = array();
    $post['vpsid'] = '';
    $post['vpsname'] = '';
    $post['vpsip'] = '';
    $post['vpshostname'] = '';
    $post['vsstatus'] = '';
    $post['vstype'] = '';
    $post['speedcap'] = '';
    $post['user'] = '';
    $post['vsgid'] = '';
    $post['vserid'] = '';
    $post['plid'] = '';
    $post['bpid'] = '';
    $post['serid'] = '';
    $post['search'] = '';

    $output = $admin->listvs($page ,$reslen ,$post);



  "37": {
    "vpsid": "37",
    "vps_name": "v1001",
    "uuid": "mark7ygoeqtfdf72",
    "serid": 0,
    "time": "1534260671",
    "edittime": "1534499180",
    "virt": "kvm",
    "uid": "55",
    "plid": "1",
    "hostname": "",
    "osid": "270",
    "os_name": "centos-6.5-x86",
    "iso": "",
    "sec_iso": "",
    "boot": "cda",
    "space": "2",
    "inodes": "0",
    "ram": "128",
    "burst": "0",
    "swap": "128",
    "cpu": "1000",
    "cores": "1",
    "cpupin": "-1",
    "cpu_percent": "0.00",
    "bandwidth": "1",
    "network_speed": "0",
    "upload_speed": "-1",
    "io": "0",
    "ubc": "a:0:{}",
    "acpi": "1",
    "apic": "1",
    "pae": "1",
    "shadow": "0",
    "vnc": "1",
    "vncport": "5901",
    "vnc_passwd": "",
    "hvm": "0",
    "suspended": "0",
    "suspend_reason": null,
    "nw_suspended": null,
    "rescue": "0",
    "band_suspend": "0",
    "tuntap": "0",
    "ppp": "0",
    "ploop": "0",
    "dns_nameserver": "a:0:{}",
    "osreinstall_limit": "0",
    "preferences": null,
    "nic_type": "virtio",
    "vif_type": "",
    "virtio": "0",
    "pv_on_hvm": "0",
    "disks": null,
    "kvm_cache": "0",
    "io_mode": "0",
    "cpu_mode": "default",
    "total_iops_sec": "0",
    "read_bytes_sec": "0",
    "write_bytes_sec": "0",
    "kvm_vga": "0",
    "acceleration": "0",
    "vnc_keymap": "en-us",
    "routing": "0",
    "mg": "",
    "used_bandwidth": "0.01",
    "cached_disk": "a:2:{s:4:\"disk\";a:3:{s:4:\"Used\";i:776044;s:9:\"Available\";i:1190036;s:4:\"Use%\";d:39.469999999999998863131622783839702606201171875;}s:5:\"inode\";a:4:{s:6:\"Inodes\";i:122880;s:5:\"IUsed\";i:21323;s:5:\"IFree\";i:101557;s:4:\"Use%\";d:17.35000000000000142108547152020037174224853515625;}}",
    "webuzo": "0",
    "disable_ebtables": "0",
    "install_xentools": "0",
    "admin_managed": "0",
    "rdp": "0",
    "topology_sockets": "0",
    "topology_cores": "0",
    "topology_threads": "0",
    "mac": "00:16:3e:5f:cd:48",
    "notes": null,
    "disable_nw_config": "0",
    "locked": "",
    "openvz_features": "",
    "speed_cap": "",
    "numa": "0",
    "bpid": "0",
    "bserid": "0",
    "timezone": null,
    "usbdevice": "",
    "server_name": "localhost",
    "email": "",
    "pid": "0",
    "type": "0",
    "os_distro": "centos",
    "ips": {
      "2": ""
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