Use the Rebuild VPS API to rebuild the VPS present on your server. Rebuilding the VPS involves formatting the VPS disk and installing a new OS on the VPS. In addition to VPS ID, you need to pass in the osid for the rebuilding of the VPS. The osid can be fetched using the Template Browser API which will return the OS IDs in the "oses" array.
Name | Method | Value | Description | Required |
act | GET | rebuild | The action specified to retrieve data after vps is rebuild | Yes |
vpsid | POST | Int | The ID of the VPS to be rebuilt | Yes |
reos | POST | 1 | For HTTP request set as 1 | Yes |
osid | POST | Int | The ID of the OS Template | Yes |
newpass | POST | text | The new root password | Yes |
conf | POST | text | The confirmation password | Yes |
format_primary | POST | 1/0 | If this parameter is set as one then only primary disk will be formatted of the OS. Other disks remains as it is.(Supported only for VPS(s) on KVM, PROXMOX KVM and XEN HVM) | No |
eu_send_rebuild_email | POST | 1/0 | If this is set as one, an email will be sent to the VPS user after the VPS is rebuilt | No |
recipe | POST | Int | The Recipe ID for the vps | No |
sshkey | POST | Int | Provide public ssh key | No |
Sample Code
$key = 'your_api_key';
$pass = 'your_api_pass';
$ip = 'your_server_ip';
$admin = new Virtualizor_Admin_API($ip, $key, $pass);
$post = array();
$post['vpsid'] = 51;
$post['osid'] = 270;
$post['newpass'] = '1234599';
$post['conf'] = '1234599';
$post['recipe'] = '2';
$output = $admin->rebuild($post);
"title": "Rebuild Virtual Server",
"done": 1,
"vpses": {
"51": {
"vpsid": "51",
"vps_name": "v1009",
"uuid": "zou88fl1avyklu0s",
"serid": "0",
"time": "1535018665",
"edittime": "1535123989",
"virt": "kvm",
"uid": "57",
"plid": "1",
"hostname": "test123",
"osid": "270",
"os_name": "centos-6.5-x86",
"iso": "",
"sec_iso": "",
"boot": "cda",
"space": "3",
"inodes": "0",
"ram": "1024",
"burst": "0",
"swap": "1024",
"cpu": "1000",
"cores": "2",
"cpupin": "-1",
"cpu_percent": "0.00",
"bandwidth": "0",
"network_speed": "0",
"upload_speed": "0",
"io": "0",
"ubc": "a:0:{}",
"acpi": "1",
"apic": "1",
"pae": "1",
"shadow": "0",
"vnc": "1",
"vncport": "5902",
"vnc_passwd": "",
"hvm": "0",
"suspended": "0",
"suspend_reason": null,
"nw_suspended": null,
"rescue": "0",
"band_suspend": "0",
"tuntap": "0",
"ppp": "0",
"ploop": "0",
"dns_nameserver": "a:0:{}",
"osreinstall_limit": "0",
"preferences": null,
"nic_type": "virtio",
"vif_type": "",
"virtio": "0",
"pv_on_hvm": "0",
"disks": null,
"kvm_cache": "0",
"io_mode": "0",
"cpu_mode": "default",
"total_iops_sec": "0",
"read_bytes_sec": "0",
"write_bytes_sec": "0",
"kvm_vga": "0",
"acceleration": "0",
"vnc_keymap": "en-us",
"routing": "0",
"mg": "",
"used_bandwidth": "0.20",
"cached_disk": "a:2:{s:4:\"disk\";a:3:{s:4:\"Used\";i:777580;s:9:\"Available\";i:1319572;s:4:\"Use%\";d:37.0799999999999982946974341757595539093017578125;}s:5:\"inode\";a:4:{s:6:\"Inodes\";i:131072;s:5:\"IUsed\";i:21318;s:5:\"IFree\";i:109754;s:4:\"Use%\";d:16.260000000000001563194018672220408916473388671875;}}",
"webuzo": "0",
"disable_ebtables": "0",
"install_xentools": "0",
"admin_managed": "0",
"rdp": "1",
"topology_sockets": "0",
"topology_cores": "0",
"topology_threads": "0",
"mac": "00:16:3e:72:fe:16",
"notes": "",
"disable_nw_config": "0",
"locked": "",
"openvz_features": "",
"speed_cap": "",
"numa": "0",
"bpid": "0",
"bserid": "0",
"timezone": null,
"usbdevice": "N;"
"ostemplates": null,
"vps": {
"vpsid": "51",
"vps_name": "v1009",
"uuid": "zou88fl1avyklu0s",
"serid": "0",
"time": "1535018665",
"edittime": "1535123989",
"virt": "kvm",
"uid": "57",
"plid": "1",
"hostname": "test123",
"osid": "270",
"os_name": "centos-6.5-x86",
"iso": "",
"sec_iso": "",
"boot": "cda",
"space": "3",
"inodes": "0",
"ram": "1024",
"burst": "0",
"swap": "1024",
"cpu": "1000",
"cores": "2",
"cpupin": "-1",
"cpu_percent": "0.00",
"bandwidth": "0",
"network_speed": "0",
"upload_speed": "0",
"io": "0",
"ubc": false,
"acpi": "1",
"apic": "1",
"pae": "1",
"shadow": "0",
"vnc": "1",
"vncport": "5902",
"vnc_passwd": "",
"hvm": "0",
"suspended": "0",
"suspend_reason": null,
"nw_suspended": null,
"rescue": "0",
"band_suspend": "0",
"tuntap": "0",
"ppp": "0",
"ploop": "0",
"dns_nameserver": "a:0:{}",
"osreinstall_limit": "0",
"preferences": null,
"nic_type": "virtio",
"vif_type": "",
"virtio": "0",
"pv_on_hvm": "0",
"disks": [
"did": "58",
"disk_uuid": "da3pbqt8qgolohhk",
"st_uuid": "ngavdbegidnbme2d",
"vps_uuid": "zou88fl1avyklu0s",
"path": "/dev/vg/vsv1009-da3pbqt8qgolohhk-zou88fl1avyklu0s",
"primary": "1",
"size": "3.000",
"size_unit": "",
"type": "block",
"format": "raw",
"num": "0",
"rescue": "0",
"extra": "",
"vpsid": 51
"kvm_cache": "0",
"io_mode": "0",
"cpu_mode": "default",
"total_iops_sec": "0",
"read_bytes_sec": "0",
"write_bytes_sec": "0",
"kvm_vga": "0",
"acceleration": "0",
"vnc_keymap": "en-us",
"routing": "0",
"mg": "",
"used_bandwidth": "0.20",
"cached_disk": {
"disk": {
"Used": 777580,
"Available": 1319572,
"Use%": 37.08
"inode": {
"Inodes": 131072,
"IUsed": 21318,
"IFree": 109754,
"Use%": 16.26
"webuzo": "0",
"disable_ebtables": "0",
"install_xentools": "0",
"admin_managed": "0",
"rdp": "1",
"topology_sockets": "0",
"topology_cores": "0",
"topology_threads": "0",
"mac": "00:16:3e:72:fe:16",
"notes": "",
"disable_nw_config": "0",
"locked": "",
"openvz_features": "",
"speed_cap": "",
"numa": "0",
"bpid": "0",
"bserid": "0",
"timezone": null,
"usbdevice": "N;",
"pid": "0",
"ips": [
"actid": "345",
"timenow": 1535130476,
"time_taken": "0.167"