Admin Users can create their own set of multiple API pairs which unique ACLS and IP whitelisting. Creating API pair is very simple. Click on the "Create API Credential" button and a new wizard will open up.
Selecting Admin User

Root user a.k.a owner can create API pairs for any admin users including themselves. Each non-root admin user can only create their own set of pairs if they are allowed via ACL or if no ACL plan is assigned to them.
IP addresses
You can whitelist any IP or multiple IPs(comma "," separated). If you want to allow all IP address access simply leave the IP field blank.

Assigning ACL permissions
You can allow all ACL or limited ACL permissions depending on your requirements. If an admin user doesn't have any ACL assigned, you will be notified with an alert popup. All ACL permissions will be visible for such users.

If a user has a limited ACL assigned then the ACL permissions set will reflect the same and show only those permission as per their ACL listing.

When logged in with their accounts, each Admin user can create and manage only their API Credentials. You can restrict this action in the Administrator ACL.