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GUI Migration (offline migration)


Virtualizor GUI Migration allows you to seamlessly migrate VPS from one server to another server without any manual intervention. Migration process transfers all your VPS data including configuration and user data.


  • One click Migration
  • Multiple Migration process at the same time
  • Option to delete the source VPS
  • Migration Graph
  • Integrated Tasks Page


  • Both the servers should have Virtualizor Installed.
  • Servers should be in Cluster. ( for more information : Add Server )


  • It is recommended that you save the VPS data before starting the migration process as Virtualizor will power off the VPS to do the transfer.
  • Migration is not available for XenServer.
  • Migration process may take some time depending on the VPS size and transfer rate.
  • You can navigate away from the Migration page and check the status on the Tasks page.
  • Migration is allowed between the following storage types:
  • LVM <-> LVM
  • File Based RAW <-> LVM
  • LVM <-> File BAsed RAW
  • Thin LVM <-> LVM
  • Thin LVM <-> File Based RAW
  • But if your storage type is QCOW2.Then,
  • QCOW2 <-> QCOW2
  • Meaning migration can only be done if the storage type of both the destination and the source is QCOW2. Migration of QCOW2 to other storage type is not supported.
  • Target storage on the destination server should be primary storage
  • Migrating VPS with File based storage from centos 7 node to centos 6 node is not supported.
  • Since 3.0.6, Virtualizor supports cross virtualization migration of VM(s) between KVM and XEN HVM nodes.


  • Go to Virtual Servers >> Migrate VPS
  • Select The Source Server. The server where the current VPS is.
  • Select the VPS(s) you want to Migrate
  • Select the Destination Server
  • Choose Preserve IP if you want to preserve the same IP for the VPS (make sure the IP pool is shared between the source and destination server) or Auto Select to allow Virtualizor auto select the IPs for the Migrated VPS from the Free IP list on the Destination server
  • Set the transfer speed for migration. If not set, by default it will be 100mb/s. If you want to transfer the data at speed higher than 100mb/s then please specify the speed as Virtualizor will by default restrict it to 100mb/s
  • Click on Migrate VPS.
  • You can check migration logs in /var/virtualizor/log/migrate directory.
  • For transfer logs you can check the /var/virtualizor/log/migrate/vpsid-transfer.log file on the source server.
  • A detailed Master log is created on the Master server in the /var/virtualizor/log/migrate/vpsid-master.log file.
  • For Multiple Migration a separate Log is created on the Master Server apart from the two logs in the /var/virtualizor/log/migrate/taskid-multi_migrate.log file.



  • Migration process may take some time depending upon the VPS size and transfer rate.
  • If you face any difficulties migrating the VPS, you can contact us at support [at] virtualizor [dot] com or open a Support Ticket.
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