Migration of QCOW2 based VPS is currently not possible through Virtualizor. You can follow the below steps to manually migrate VPS from one server to another.
Copy `qcow2` file from Source server to Destination Server
- Power Off the VPS that has to be migrated.
- SCP the VPS `qcow2` HDD file from Source server to `/var/virtualizor/kvm` directory of the Destination server.
Convert `qcow2` file to `img` format
Once the file has been copied to the proper destination, you need to convert it to `img` format by running the following command:
# qemu-img convert filename.qcow2 -O raw filename.img
Add file as a Template
- Go to Virtualizor Panel >> Media >> Add Template
- Fill in all the details properly in the form and Submit.
Create a new VPS
- Go to Virtualizor Panel >> Virtual Servers >> Create VPS
- In the Operating System dropdown, select the newly created template
- Fill in all the details properly in the form and Submit.
- If you face any difficulties in migrating the VPS, you can contact us at support [at] virtualizor [dot] com or open a Support Ticket.