This guide will show you how to update Virtualizor immediately. By default Virtualizor updates itself every 24 hours i.e. if you have not disabled auto updating. You can either update Virtualizor from the Virtualizor Admin Panel or by executing the CRON command.
Updating by CRON command
You can simply execute the CRON command on your server to upgrade Virtualizor
/usr/local/emps/bin/php /usr/local/virtualizor/scripts/cron.php
Updating from Virtualizor Admin panel
Go to Virtualizor Admin Panel -> Configuration -> Updates

If there are any Updates available click on "Update Virtualizor" button and it will update the Virtualizor on Master server and Slave servers as well (If any)
Known issue:
Virtualizor is not able to fetch latest updates
If Virtualizor panel is not able to connect to Virtualizor server, and it displays message similar to "We were unable to connect to Virtualizor", then you may need to verify on your node whether domain name resolution is working correctly. This can be fixed, by changing nameserver entry on your node. You can change name server used by your node by editing file /etc/resolv.conf and adding an entry for example "nameserver" and save the changes.