When you install Virtualizor on new sever, Virtualizor installer installs 3 day trial license. This guide will help you to get a 1 month premium Virtualizor trial license.
How to get Virtualizor 1 month trial license?
To get 1 month premium trial please login to Softaculous Client center using following link:

Once you have logged in to Softaculous Client Center, please click on Virtualizor on the left menu. There you will see the link names as "Virtualizor Trial"

Once you click on Virtualizor Trial link, you will be asked for "Server IP" for which you want to issue a 1 month trial license.
Enter you servers IP in this field and Virtualizor will issue a 1 month trial license under your account for the IP you have entered.
That's it ! Enjoy the free premium license for a month.
Getting error in as Trial already issued?
Sometime it might happen that you will get an error like follows :

You might get the above error while issuing trial license. There are following reasons for that :
- If you have already issues the trial license for this IP
- In past before you purchased this server, previous user already issued the trial license for this IP.
For the above error you will need to contact support[at]virtualizor[dot]com. They will check the records for this license and will resolve your issue asap.
NOTE: This issue will be resolved by billing team, billing team will get back to you in their working hour. As billing team not available 24x7.