Softaculous Virtualizor supports Reseller / Cloud accounts. The Cloud accounts can create multiple VMs based on the resources assigned to their account. This guide is intended for hosting providers who wish to sell Cloud Accounts via WHMCS. WHMCS can be configured to create cloud accounts as soon as you accept the Order (Automatically or Manually). We provide a module for WHMCS to enable you to do so. Setting it up is really easy. You can create and delete Cloud / Reseller accounts with this module.
Download the Virtualizor WHMCS Cloud Account module from HERE. (Last Updated : December 07, 2023)
Unzip it and upload the folder virtualizor_cloud_account (the folder itself),
in your /path/to/whmcs/modules/servers/ Directory.
Please make sure that the upload was done properly and the following folder exists :
WHMCS Admin Panel

Cloud Enduser panel

Servers Key
Virtualizor generates a Unique Key and Key Pass when its installed on the server.
You will need the servers Key and Key Pass to add the server to WHMCS.
This information can be found from the Virtualizor Admin Panel -> Configuration -> Server Info

Adding Server to WHMCS
To add the Virtualizor Server to WHMCS login to WHMCS Admin Panel.
Then go to WHMCS Admin Panel -> Setup -> Servers -> Add New Server
Fill the form as shown in the below images :

Creating a Product
Now, you will need to create a product.
To do so go to WHMCS Admin Panel -> Setup -> Products/Services -> Create a New Product
Fill in the details as per the following image and specify the Products Name of your choice
Module Settings
Now proceed to the Module Settings. Click on the Module Settings Tab and choose the Module Name Virtualizor_cloud_account. A list of fields will load which will be the settings for the new product.
A sample configuration is shown in the below image.

The fields are self explanatory, but the following is a detailed explanation :
- Type : The Virtualization type the Cloud account will have access to.
- Number of VMs : The total number of VPS this cloud account can have.
- Number of Users : The total number of endusers this cloud account can create.
- Max Disk Space : The amount of disk space that the Cloud account can use to create VPS.
- Max RAM : The amount of RAM the Cloud account can use to create VPS.
- Max Burst / Swap RAM : The amount of Burst / Swap RAM the Cloud account can use to create VPS.
- Max Bandwidth : The total bandwidth the that this Cloud Account can use.
- Default CPU Weight : The default CPU Weight that will be assigned to each VM of the Cloud Account.
- Max Cores : Maximum CPU Cores the cloud account can give to one VM
- Default CPU % : The default CPU % that will be assigned to each VM of the Cloud Account.
- Total Cores : Total number of CPU Cores the cloud account can give to all VMs
- Max IPv4 : The total number of IPv4 this cloud account can have.
- IPv6 Subnets : The total number of IPv6 Subnets this cloud account can have.
- IPv6 : The total number of IPv6 Addresses this cloud account can have.
- Server Groups : Comma seperated values of Server Groups that this cloud account can use to create VMs. NOTE : You must give the Reseller Region Name and not the server group name.
- Media Groups : Comma separated values of Media Groups that this cloud account can use to create VMs. If no value is specified then all templates and ISO will become available to the user.
- API Key : The User API Key will be the respective Reseller API key.
- API Password : The User API Password will be respective Reseller API Password.
Note : You must specify the API Key and Pass option as they are required for successful creation of Reseller accounts.
Custom Fields
Now Click on the Custom Fields Tab and fill in the form as per the following image

Just for your information the uid is the User ID, ca_apikey and ca_apipass are the new user's API Key and API Pass as per the Virtualizor Database and needs to be stored for any future action like Terminate, Suspend, etc. Please fill it as per the above Image.
Configurable Options
You can also create the following Configurable options :
- Number of VMs : The total number of VPS this cloud account can have.
- Number of Users : The total number of endusers this cloud account can create.
- Space : The amount of disk space that the Cloud account can use to create VPS.
- RAM : The amount of RAM the Cloud account can use to create VPS.
- Burst / Swap : The amount of Burst / Swap RAM the Cloud account can use to create VPS.
- Bandwidth : The total bandwidth the that this Cloud Account can use.
- Default CPU Weight : The default CPU Weight that will be assigned to each VM of the Cloud Account.
- Max Cores : Maximum CPU Cores the cloud account can give to one VM
- Default CPU % : The default CPU % that will be assigned to each VM of the Cloud Account.
- Total Cores : Total number of CPU Cores the cloud account can give to all VMs
- Number of IPv4 : The total number of IPv4 this cloud account can have.
- Number of IPv6 Subnet : The total number of IPv6 Subnets this cloud account can have.
- Number of IPv6 : The total number of IPv6 Addresses this cloud account can have.
- Server Groups : Comma seperated values of Server Groups that this cloud account can use to create VMs. NOTE : You must give the Reseller Region Name and not the server group name.
- Media Groups : Comma seperated values of Media Groups that this cloud account can use to create VMs. If no value is specified then all templates and ISO will become available to the user.
To add, go to WHMCS Admin Panel -> Setup -> Products/Services -> Configurable Options.
Then click on Create a new Group .
Number of VMs : The total number of VPS this cloud account can have.
Number of Users : The total number of endusers this cloud account can create.
Space : The amount of disk space that the Cloud account can use to create VPS.
RAM : The amount of RAM the Cloud account can use to create VPS.
Burst / Swap : The amount of Burst / Swap RAM the Cloud account can use to create VPS.
Bandwidth : The total bandwidth the that this Cloud Account can use.
Default CPU Weight : The default CPU Weight that will be assigned to each VM of the Cloud Account.
Max Cores : Maximum CPU Cores the cloud account can give to one VM
Default CPU % : The default CPU % that will be assigned to each VM of the Cloud Account.
Total Cores : Total number of CPU Cores the cloud account can give to all VMs
Number of IPv4 : The total number of IPv4 this cloud account can have.
Number of IPv6 Subnet : The total number of IPv6 Subnets this cloud account can have.
Number of IPv6 : The total number of IPv6 Addresses this cloud account can have.
Server Groups : Comma seperated values of Server Groups that this cloud account can use to create VMs.
NOTE : You must give the Reseller Region Name and not the server group name.
Media Groups : Comma seperated values of Media Groups that this cloud account can use to create VMs. If no value is specified then all templates and ISO will become available to the user.
NOTE : The above config names are very important and are defined in virtualizor_cloud_account_conf.php . If you want to change the name of the above configs, please update the virtualizor_cloud_account_conf.php file as well.
Other Configurable options (Optional)
space_per_vm : Max Space per VM allowed
total_iops_sec : Total IOPs
read_bytes_sec : Read IOPs (in MB)
write_bytes_sec : Write IOPs (in MB)
Configuration Parameters
You can modify the configuration in /path/to/whmcs/modules/servers/virtualizor_cloud_account/virtualizor_cloud_account_conf.php
Following are the parameters which you can modify :
$virtcloud_acc['delete_vms'] - This parameter is used to delete the cloud users VM(s) and his subusers and their respective VM(s). By default it is enabled, if you want to disable you can change the value to 0. (Supported Since module version 2.0.7 and Virtualizor 3.0.1+)
Firewall Port
Please make sure, that the whmcs server has ports 4081,4082,4083,4084 and 4085 opened.
If you need any assistance then please contact Softaculous Virtualizor Support. Please send us a screenshot of the Module Settings and the Custom Fields you added to the Product.