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Server ip changed

Master ip changed

When you change your Master server's IP, you will need to manually update the new IP everywhere.

1) You will need to change license's ip which was attached to your old Master server.
Assuming that old license was a premium license.
If you are unable to do it from client center then we can help you via chat or ticket .

2) If you have VM(s) on your Master server then you can edit the vps one by one and save it without making any changes to update vnc IP as new master server's IP .
Alternatively , you can use following command to update in one shot on your master server :

Note : The following command will work for Kvm Virtualizor and vps stop and start from panel will be required for vnc to work.

# cd /etc/libvirt/qemu/ ; sed -i "s/listen=''/listen=''/" v*.xml
# sed -i "s/address=''/address=''/" v*.xml

 where , being old ip is the new ip
v*.xml will change in every vps config file under /etc/libvirt/qemu/ on master server

3) You will also need to update master ip on your slave servers, if any .
Update 'masterip' value in /usr/local/virtualizor/universal.php file and also on WHMCS/Blesta panel, if any.

4) After that run sync to check if everything is in sync with slaves :

# /usr/local/emps/bin/php /usr/local/virtualizor/scripts/sync_config.php

Slave server IP changed

Steps 1 and 2 remain the same.

3) Go to Master server's Admin panel->Servers->List Server and edit that slave server and update the new IP there.

4) After that run sync to check if everything is in sync with slaves :

# /usr/local/emps/bin/php /usr/local/virtualizor/scripts/sync_config.php
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