Get Virtualizor


Virtualizor creates a service for Virtnetwork (bridge: viifbr0) on KVM and Xen.
Virtnetwork will be required for vps network.

If you get error message similar to ' The viifbr0 is not started. Please run service virtnetwork start ' on Admin dashboard/Create vps page after fresh install of Kvm/Xen Virtualizor then you will require to start virtnetwork service.

If the Interface name is other than eth0 ( let's assume em1 ) then go to
Virtualizor Admin panel -> Configuration -> Slave settings(choose server from dropdown to select a slave , if any) ->Network Interface >> em1 -> save.

You can find the interface name with ifconfig command.
You will need bridge-utils package installed on your server as well.

Before creating a network Bridge check if the module is loaded on the server
lsmod | grep bridge

Then try to start virtnetwork service :

service virtnetwork start

If you get error message similar to 'Error : No Gateway Found , Please assign a Gateway' on starting virtnetwork service,

You can open network interface file (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-XXX) and comment the keyword SCOPE and add GATEWAY entry and then try to start virtnetwork service.
Example :

#SCOPE="peer X.X.X.X"



Note : Input correct network details as found on your datacenter panel to avoid issues in future.

You need to make sure the network interface file on your CentOS server ( /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-servers-interface-name ) and
on your Ubuntu server ( /etc/network/interfaces ) contain IP address, netmask and gateway entries.

For CentOS , it should look like this :


For Ubuntu, it should look like this :


Alternatively, you can add network details in file /usr/local/virtualizor/universal.php , if you do not want to change above network files :

$globals['ipadd'] = '';
$globals['netmask'] = '';
$globals['gateway'] = '';
$globals['ip6add'] = '';
$globals['gateway6'] = '';

And then you can try : service virtnetwork start

If you have an existing bridge created on your server (possibly in Xen: xenbr1 ) then you need to mention it in Configuration->Slave settings-> Paravirtualization Bridge and HVM Bridge .
Else you may need to mention viifbr0 in that page.

In case of KVM, if you have an existing bridge br0, then you can set that bridge name in /usr/local/virtualizor/universal.php file.

$globals['bridge'] = 'br0';

If you want Virtnetwork to be a permanent bridge and not run as a service then you can follow this guide to create bridge :

Note: After restarting virtnetwork service, existing vps might loose network in case of Ubuntu server.
In that case , if running "brctl show viifbr0" command doesn't shows the VPS(s) interface, you can run the below command to attach VPS(s) interface to the bridge.

Syntax : brctl addif bridge_name vps_interface
Example : brctl addif viifbr0 viifv1001

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