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Add Server


Virtualizor supports Central Management of many Nodes / Servers so that you can access and create VPS from the Master server only. Adding a server is very easy in Virtualizor. You can slave an EXISTING Virtualizor Server and deslave it any time. The master interacts with the slave only when necessary. The slave just becomes a extra resource for the master.

The slave MUST have Virtualizor installed. The Virtualization Type will be detected by the Master itself. Also the MASTER can be OF ANY VIRTUALIZATION type i.e. OpenVZ, Xen or Linux KVM.

OS Templates and ISO Files

While creating Virtual Servers, its obvious that the server will require the OS templates OR ISO files to create a VPS, whether its Slave or the Master server. In the central management system, ALL OS Templates and ISOs must be there on the Master server. When a VPS is created on the slave and the OS Template is missing it will download it from the Master.

Obtaining Necessary Slave details

To add server on the master, we must get certain credentials from the slave server after Virtualizor is installed on it. To do so you must login into the Virtualizor Admin Panel of the slave and go to Configuration >> Server Info. Please take NOTE of the Servers Key Pass .

Add Server on Master

On the Master, go to Virtualizor Admin Panel, then click on Servers >> Add Server.
Server Name
: The Logical name of the server.

IP Address
: The IP address present on the server (ifconfig output, usually public one)

Server API password
: Received from Previous step from the new server.

Internal IP (optional) : Internal IP already present on the server, reserved for internal communication.
Migration and OS template sync will be attempted initially over internal IP.

Lock Server
 (optional) : Lock the server for VPS creation.

You can even lock the server later on after adding the server.

Server Group
 (optional) : To add the server in any existing server group.

The master will communicate with the server and detect necessary details. If there is some CONFLICTS, the master will notify you of the same.


If everything is successful, it will add the server.

Existing VPS on Slave

All existing VPS, IPs, Users will be imported into the Master as well.
But if there is clash of VPS IDs, then the ones on the server-to-be-slaved will be changed.


1. While adding the server if it gives curl call error then check if firewall is blocking 4085/4083 ports on your servers.

If not then you can test connection between them using curl.

curl -vk “https://server-ip:4085”

2. For other errors, check If there are a lot of IPs like in 10k or more in IP pool.
In that case, you can increase the memory limit in Configuration->slave settings->Memory Limit to 256 or 512 and check.

3. Make sure there are no 100s/1000s of duplicate plans/backup plans/storages present on slave server
(That would usually happen when the slave was forcefully removed from the cluster)
It will require to clean up before adding the server again.

It is not recommended to forcefully remove servers from cluster as it would create issues in future , unless the server is dead and its never going to come online.

If you still need any help, please contact us and we will help you.

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