Get Virtualizor



  • Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04  (x86 or x86_64)
  • Yum / apt-get
  • Storage to create the VPS (DomUs) disks
1. If you want full virtualization then your CPU must support the same


Create the following partitions on the Hardware Node:

Supported storage types

  • ( LVM | File | Thin LVM | ZFS | ZFS Thin | ZFS Compressed | ZFS Thin Compressed | Ceph Block Device )


Open a Shell Terminal (e.g. PuTTY) and SSH to your server. Run the following commands:

wget -N
chmod 0755
./ kernel=xen

Installation Parameters

Please give the email address correctly !

  • email - The Admin Email Address
  • kernel - In this case its xen
  • noos - If you don't want to download the OS template for the VPS then add noos=true as a parameter
  • beta - If there is a newer version of Virtualizor available and you would like to test it then please add beta=true as a parameter
  • lvg (optional) - If you are going to use LVM for the VPS storage. The Volume Group that will be used for the DomU (VPS) storage e.g. defaults to vg. It should have some OR ALL unallocated space to create LVMs for the VPS.
  • interface - You can specify the default interface that you want to set. If not provided it will be considered as eth0.
  • license - In case you are installing Virtualizor on internal network you will need to provide the VALID license key. To get internal license key you will need to open a support ticket.

The installation will begin immediately. It may seem that the installation has stopped, if your network speed is slow, but please let it continue. You will see something like this :

 Welcome to Softaculous Virtualizor Installer

1) Installing Libraries and Dependencies
2) Installing PHP, MySQL and Web Server
3) Downloading and Installing Virtualizor
                - Configuring Virtualizor
                - Fetching License
                - Setting up the CRON Job
                - Importing Database
                - Getting List of OS templates
                - Generating the SSL Certificates
4) Installing the Virtualization Kernel - xen
                - You have not defined any storage ! Please add a Storage once you visit the Admin Panel.
        XEN Module has been installed 
 Installation Completed 
Congratulations, Virtualizor has been successfully installed
API KEY : havkrq0b8skwiaxgtpxh3rehxo9lhalu
API Password : j1zpjzzxzhbnuavxgu6nijbslan2wxj3 
You can login to the Virtualizor Admin Panel
using your ROOT details at the following URL :
You will need to reboot this machine to load the correct kernel 

After the installation is completed you will be asked to reboot.

You will need to reboot this machine to load the correct kernel
Do you want to reboot now ? [y/N] ┃  
You can then visit the Admin Panel to create the Storage and the Virtual Servers and also manage your server. A log file of the installation process will be created - /root/virtualizor.log


To login to the Softaculous Virtualizor Admin Panel, visit the following URL


Login with the servers root details.


Admin Panel

After you login, you will see the Admin Panel Dashboard :


Create Storage

Before creating any VMs, its necessary to define your storage.
Navigate to Virtualizor Admin Panel -> Storage -> Add Storage

You will see the following wizard :


Fill in the details and define the storage.

Domain-0 Memory

It is very important that you set the Domain-0 (Hardware Node) memory in the GRUB so that there is no memory balloning of Domain-0 causing a lack of RAM for the virtaul servers. You can do that by editing /etc/grub.conf and adding dom0_mem=512M. An example is as follows :

 title CentOS (2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen)
	root (hd0,0)
	kernel /boot/xen.gz-2.6.18-194.26.1.el5 dom0_mem=512M
	module /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen ro root=LABEL=/1
	module /boot/initrd-2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen.img

You can also set the memory anytime :

 xm mem-set Domain-0 512


Virtualizor uses ports from 4081 - 4085. If there is any firewall restricting this, you will need to allow these ports.

For RHEL & CentOS < 7

iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4081:4085 -j ACCEPT

iptables -I INPUT 2 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5900:6000 -j ACCEPT

For RHEL & CentOS 7+

firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=4081-4085/tcp

firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=5900-6000/tcp

firewall-cmd --reload
If you are going to use Webuzo templates for VM creation, please allow ports 2002-2005

Trouble Shoot

Cant open http://IP-Address:4084

Please check if your iptables firewall is running You can disable it with the following command if even after allowing ports, the panel is not working :

root> service iptables stop

For CentOS 7 :

root> systemctl stop firewalld
In all cases please remember to disable SElinux. The Virtualizor installer will try to disable it. For xen HVM make sure VT is enabled from the bios or you will not be able to see HVM check Box .

Server boot issues

If the server hangs on a black screen with a blinking prompt then you can use this guide :

Booted into wrong kernel

If you get the error as booted into wrong kernel after fresh installation.
Go to Admin Panel -> Configuration -> Slave Settings -> Enable "Use XL" setting and Save the configuration. It should resolve the issue of booted into wrong kernel.

Virtualizor Network in XEN ubuntu

Virtualizor will create a viifbr0 bridge.

viifbr0 detects the IP, NETMASK, GATEWAY from interface eth0 is default. You can change it from configuration from admin panel as per your requirement:

Hence if you change the above file, you will need to restart the virtualizor network :

root> service virtnetwork restart

Note : The above command will restart the server's entire network.

Start Command :

root> service virtnetwork start

Stop Command :

root> service virtnetwork stop
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